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contest Begin! Pizza Throwdown

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fify :rolleyes:

NICE! Getting the local butcher in on the action. Gotta love the local shops that'll still do custom orders. When I ask them to do something special, I never really look at the price, but it's usually $5-$8/#. It's a special order, I get what's needed, they stay in business, it's all good!

My guy kicks ass...he doesn't charge me anything but the meat he adds. I walked out with a few pounds of custom sausage for less than 3 bucks.
Ok ..... starting to sober up (damn!) They really don't make margaritas as good anywhere else as they do in Tejas. Still, gotta up at 4am to fly out o' here.

MJD - Check.
PepperJam - Check.
Pic1 - My brain was going the same direction - get it on!
THP/SL - FAIL! Damn spectators are like damn tourists - g'wan with yo selves! Or, just join me for another margarita! :drunk:

You and SethSQ, me, Diamond & LB... TB is just watchin... Jt's gone til Spring, until when he comes out to feed his babies....

We're Crownless... Let's You, Me, and Sethsquatch go git these muh fuhkahs??? huh?
Tour De 'Za
So when I heard we were doing a pizza throwdown I thought I'd make a massive pizza shaped like the US and make a bunch of small pies highlighting regional cuisines. It sounded good, but in practice I really butchered it. Definitely an abomination of a pizza ;) Art was my worst class by far in school so I probably should have thought twice about trying to pull this off. Here's what I did...

Awesome pizza. Very creative on making it the shape of the US.
Thanks pepperjam, your pizzas looked really really awesome.

Scoville: I'm like a woman who just had a miscarriage, I won't be crownin anytime soon!
MJ83! C'mon! It hasn't even started yet! Grab the 2 between yer legs.... lick yer lips... (ok let go now) Go for it again!!!! C'mon now... B U C K U P ! (is all I'm sayin)
I love throwdown weekend.... everybody's here... almost wanna sing the Cheers theme song... pretty good since that was an 80's show and I was born in mid 80's. :lol:

Anyway great job so far everyone! Everything looking very tasty!!!!!!!!!!
JayT went to get his sexy from TB. Not sure what that means.
Hold on to your merkins ladies and gents. The show is about to begin. Get your juice box, take a seat and enjoy this sweet..sweet..heat. *Drum roll inserted in your brain*

The beginning.....Bacon's almost complete and done oh so right. The roasted garlic, shallots and julienne peppers waiting patiently to jump in and have their fun.


Road hard and put away wet...hehehe (I strained the bacon grease and sauteed everything in it)


The tomato sauce having it's way with all that sauteed goodness. (pureed and seasoned with oregano, basil and a pinch of lemon juice and salt)


Here's what I'm bringing to the table.............well I guess you can say the counter.
With the exception of a few ingredients missing of the table.....one is the shot glass that's in front of me........... :drunk:
A full list with procedures and photos will be here sometime Sunday........after the football


Oooo, caputo flour being used too. Very nice set of ingredients. Can't wait to see your pizza :)
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