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contest Begin! Pizza Throwdown

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I love throwdown weekend.... everybody's here... almost wanna sing the Cheers theme song... pretty good since that was an 80's show and I was born in mid 80's. :lol:

Anyway great job so far everyone! Everything looking very tasty!!!!!!!!!!
Good show! Rhea Perlman and Danny Devito were just voted least likely to become parents to a basketball player.

Oooo, caputo flour being used too. Very nice set of ingredients. Can't wait to see your pizza :)

00 refers to how finely the flour is cut right? What's the % protein on that 00 flour you used for your pizza?
Behind the curtains all of the other ingredients prepared themselves for their part in the big show. (Cheese has been shred and mixed: Gouda, Mozzarella and aged Parmesan. The yellow sweets have been sliced and diced. The fresh Arugula has had it's hair cut oh so pretty and lets not forget about that pan fried Pancetta to the perfect crisp) The bacon grease from earlier was added to the dough in substitution of olive oil. Which was set to rise 2hrs previous to this gathering of deliciousness.


My pizza wearing it's laurel giving it the status of emperor of all lesser pies. (The pizza crust is stuffed with arugula, bacon and goat cheese) Topped with crispy pancetta then going in the oven at 500 for 15mins before everything else goes on.


While the pie cooks...I forgot to add to the list my Ghost Dragon olive oil. I tossed the arugula in a splash of this before it goes in the crust)

The pizza has been chillin' in it's sauna getting ready for it's main stage appearance. (now I add a little layer of my three cheese mix, add fresh julienne Billy Boy Douglah Reds....another sprinkle of cheese for a little separation and the next picture. I added the sliced yellow sweet peppers to compliment the pancetta....and to top it off....MORE CHEESE. Oh how can I forget, before all of these ingredients went on I added more sauce once the pie came out of it's home) Now back in for a beach side tan. (I've also basted the top of the stuffed crust with the grease from the pancetta for a nice golden brown finish)


Question, do I have to re-enter all of the information on ingredients and prep. in my entry?? Or does the teaser stuff count and I just post two pics and a name with my PoL??
Wow PJ, that stuff sounds nice. Especially this part "The company has a computer lab where they are continually testing a wide range of grains from around the world for the characteristics that are right for pizza dough. They test for: The pressure required to expand the dough, the distance the dough stretches before it breaks, how quickly it stretches before it breaks and the doughs extensability without bouncing back"

I had a few issues with these characteristics of my pizza dough.
Thanks for the link. I'm definitely going to try to find some of this. That air in your crust looked delicious. It almost looked like ciabatta bread.
fancy smancy dishes.....:drunk:
tomorrow I will feel out gunned and being my first shot at this idea I am keeping in simple but all y'all beeoooootttchess will be wanting some.
No problem, another good resource is this site. This guy is a pizza maniac and even opened up his own pizzeria in atlanta. I went there once during a business trip and it was amazing.

This forum has a wealth of knowledge and experts

Peter reinhart, a famous baker, created a pizza blog. His pizza video blog is great.

Finally, a company that sells brick ovens has a forum with a wealth of info and experts too

No problem, another good resource is this site. This guy is a pizza maniac and even opened up his own pizzeria in atlanta. I went there once during a business trip and it was amazing.

This forum has a wealth of knowledge and experts

Peter reinhart, a famous baker, created a pizza blog. His pizza video blog is great.

Finally, a company that sells brick ovens has a forum with a wealth of info and experts too


Good stuff there. Isn't Reinhart the guy who claims he can de-construct any pizza after one taste?
The Italian Stallion -The underdog (Gloves are off like RockyVIIIIIIIIIIII..... when he brawls with that no name dude at the end in the alley)

Ingredients list

King Arthur unbleached flour
House-Autry yellow corn mean
Fresh Market tomato sauce
Dry active yeast
Morton's sea salt
Fresh Market roasted garlic cloves
Fresh Market marinated yellow sweet peppers
Fresh Market hand spun Mozzarella
Fresh Market aged Parmesan
Red Wax Gouda
Soft Goat Cheese (chevre)
Clove of garlic
One organic lemon
Hormel Center Cut Bacon
Pancetta (Italian bacon)
(not pictured) Home made Ghost Dragon olive oil.

Baker's Peppers fresh Jamaican Scotch Bonnets, Australian Lantern Hybrids Red and Billy Boy Douglah Red pods (Thanks BP

Process (It's scientific and chit....) :shh:

I started with the dough: unbleached flour, active dry yeast, 1TBS strained left over sauteed bacon grease and a pinch of sea salt. Mixed, kneaded and put aside to rise for 2 hrs.

Next is the sauce. I put the 15oz tomato sauce, sauteed shallots, roasted garlic and peppers in the processor and pulse until mixed to my liking. Then I a few splashes of fresh squeezed lemon juice. Pulse a few more times for good measure. I bring it to a boil, add the basil, oregano and pinch of salt and bring it to a simmer for 10 minutes. Then put to the side.

I now prep everything else. I shred the mozza and gouda, zest the lemon, rinse chop and toss the arugula with some of my Ghost Dragon olive oil and put it all to the side. The yellow sweet peppers are now sliced into around 1/4 thick strips. The pancetta is fried to a nice crunchy crisp. I've punched down my dough and spread myself a 17in round pie crust.

Now to add the ingredients. The goat cheese is spread around the outer rim of the crust, bacon is laid on top and covered in arugula. I fold the outer layer in to seal the stuffed crust in and then spread on some sauce and top with the crispy pancetta.

One more thing before it goes in the oven at 500/15mins is bast the stuffed crust with the pancetta grease for a nice golden brown finish. At 15 mins I take the pie out (the crust has crisped up well) add some more sauce, sprinkle a thin layer of three cheese mix and lay on the Billy Boy Douglah Reds. Another layer of three cheese mix over top for separation and then lay down the sliced yellow sweet peppers. One more delicious layer of cheese over top to finish and back into the oven it goes for it's remaining 10mins.

Once the pizza is done and golden brown. I remove it from the oven and garnish with a little more oregano and a dash of lemon zest here and there to add a little tang to bring out the full flavor of the pizza. (It really pulled the whole thing together and complimented the soft creaminess of the fresh mozza)

I cut the pie and had a nice bowl of sauce to the side to dip the stuffed crust in at the end. What an amazing pizza. Every flavor stood out on it's own. The thin crust was so good with the perfect crunch and not a touch over done. Leaving me to a nice stuffed crust that made the end just as good as the beginning.

(Sorry for the low grade pics. My point and shoot broke a week ago, so I had to deal with my phone cam)


Here's one I wanted to make , but thought I'd buy instead- lol- I'm being a Silly Billy- sorry


Korean crazy- hot chicken and sweet shrimp.

Toppings - It's made with marinated chicken in Soy bean paste, Gouchu Garu (Daeng Chu pepper)- chilli powder and fresh minced garlic. Shrimps are done in honey and minced ginger. Capsicum and green spring onion & red onion shredded.

The base is made with brown flour,sea-salt, black sesame, mozerella, and green tea.

Cheese- mozzarella , sparsely parsley and jack.

http://www.flickr.com/photos/69948603@N03/6480780933/in/photostream/ this is my style- plum beef.

I am a decent Chef and got my jacket years ago. Grade 7061 in UK, or was.I could make it from scratch, but thought you guys are good.I like this one cos is nice and spicy.It's simple , easy and original.

I'd love to compete one-day, but you guys are too good at Pizza.I'm decent- If you go for curry, African or Asian- I'll have a crack at it.
Oooo, caputo flour being used too. Very nice set of ingredients. Can't wait to see your pizza :)

Thanks man
Your pies look great, nice expansion on the crust...... :cool: .......high hydration and smoking oven = success!....

That's how I do it with my sourdough ciabatta breads.

Now I better get off my arse!

So here we go!

The dough balls have proofed and are ready to be rounded. I hand kneaded the dough and make the pizza by hand, no rolling pins :)

The 2Stone is set to 750 or so. I use a laser temp gun to check the temp of the stone. Takes about 2 minutes to cook a pizza.

Flattened by hand, makes the pizza be more fluffy.

Pizza with Pickled Bhut Jolokias on one side, and pickled biker billy jalapenos on the other.

With Cheese

Pizza's done! The Bhut pizza

A close up of the bhut/jalapeno pizza, you can see the wholes in the crust. Yum

For pizza geeks, charring on the back is a big plus and adds to the flavor
Love your style- I like the simple and classical minimalist style- I make my tomato sauce fresh just using basic, onion, mini-plum Ts, salt, celery and garlic with black-pepper and chilli. Topping- I'd gone for some bacon, artichoke; or possibly an egg- Parma ham, spinach Florentine type on your pizza.Excellent look and taste, I bet.With the chillies too.
Here's the start of the dough.......it pulled away nicely and is ready to "rest and roll"


There's enough to roll two skins.......the dough been in the fridge overnite, for a slow rise, another night there will give it some p-r-e-t-t-y good flavor before Sunday's bake!

Here's the start of the dough.......it pulled away nicely and is ready to "rest and roll"


There's enough to roll two skins.......the dough been in the fridge overnite, for a slow rise, another night there will give it some p-r-e-t-t-y good flavor before Sunday's bake!

You're from Chicago- gotta be able to make great pizza!!
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