event 2012 Zestfest Pics and stories

Damn, I'm a lightning rod, I was truly touched that Sic sought me out to give me a t-shirt.... which I am wearing right now. And it's serious quality. I'll wear it all over North Texas. I was joking, b/c the color is nebulous.. it's not white (boring)... it's not yellow (too bright).... it's in between! But, it is thoroughly brand spanking new. And the "collar" is thick, so it won't curl. I said thanks to Sic and I'll say it again!
That sounds a lot better than this....

it's sort of yellow'ish.... like yeast or fungi.

NICE LB, I hope I can come too, and you come here, and we'll watch the sun go down with the smell of burning cow, and the taste of whiskey in our mouths!

Edit, tell lady sic, no worries, I am ninja hugging her right now! I can't wait for mine. Great job on the color choice! Even if it looks like a faded ol thing, I'll wear it out!
Buy SICMAN dust/rub... AND TALK ABOUT HIS SHIRT!! But talk about it. Isn't that the point!? We are talking about the fact that it's "off-white"... totally clean and quality... but not really a discernible color. To me... that's genius. You have to stand out from the crowd. Life ain't no bus stop.
My curiosity is killin' me!!!! Sicman....I gotta have one of those shirts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

So what other festive & fun things are folks doing at ZF tonight?
See... the buzz! I really like everyone here... and I've stirred the pot a bit. But, it's only been to y'all who are trying to make sales, not the amateur chile-head alchemist (me). Seriously, the static is GOOD. The people I've met have some serious kick-ass product. I'm envious. I just think that they need some "buzz". You'll note that I've never talked about the product (except in a positive way), but the branding. The Sicman shirt... jeez... you can't identify the color... yet the PRINT clearly gives the message. I'm told that these mysterious shirts are now going for $200 on E-bay! The nebulous colored shirt!! Come one, come all!
Dr. P, you're a pain in the ass.

It seems like this is a post about a great convention with a bunch of hard working upstarts making spicy magic.
And you compliment one person, and then bitch about two people about menial stuff.

Yea, you're entitled to your opinion, but why are you bagging on everyone?
What did you LIKE about the convention?
Focus on that.
Nobody works harder than SL. Her products are awesome, you said so yourself.
So why have negative words for a hard working small business?
If you think your comments can help her, send her a PM.
I don't care about the negative stuff you think about Texas Creek Products.
In fact, if you truly like her stuff, as you said, you wouldn't post your vitriol here, you would keep it private, between you two.

You are going to respond by saying, "I just didn't like the way she promoted it (or whatever), but she makes awesome stuff I want to buy at Albertson's"
And I hope she never sells out to Albertson's, and when you try to order from her she returns your check.

C'mon Dr. Do better.
This is a friendly place and you are not being nice.
Stop complaining about people. Focus on the positive.
These people are hard working good people who just want to make products that fit into a niche market of chili heads.

I love you.

the Sicman t-shirt has been proven to have healing properties, like his regular business. The ancient mention of the "coat of many colors". Think about it. I'm wearing the Sicman shirt and I just checked my blood-pressure at 110 over 70.... believe in this man!
Okay Sicman...I may need to purchase many of these magical-shirts...I'm a bit of a klutz and my blood pressure could definitely use the assistance! ;)
Fry and Ville... I'm not an ass and I would give my thoughts to SL personally... sorry that it hit a nerve. I'm not arrogant enough to say it's sort of "advice". I'm a nobody. I just want the best for the people here that are truly trying to make it in the condiment business. I was a judge for Zestfest.... and that doesn't give me CRAP credibility. But I always thought about viability and people realizing their dreams. I've cited John from Defcon.... his niche... his business acumen. Seriously, I am not bagging on anyone! And I don't think I've been disrespectful to anyone either. I want to be a part of this forum... and I will definitely bite my tongue from now on (because I crave the knowledge here).

... and I will wear my Sicman t-shirt again tomorrow... unwashed... it's a "feng shui" thing at this point. The shirt gives me... balance, clarity in LIFE. And last I looked... "life" is sort of important.
faded!!! as they just got printed wednesday. sorry the color was not up to your standards. you should spend a grand and hand out t-shirts to people.
No no no, you got me wrong here. It has a vintage look to it and thats fine by me! Shoot Id have asked for one too if I knew you had them. I thinks its cool looking :cool:

I'll agree. Her ghost sauce is excellent, and the garlic/smoked hab sauce is f**king AMAZING.

Dr. P; I met Sic...he handed me the shirt...I noticed the color, and the first word in my head was "HEMP", lol ;)
But seriously...it was one of the coolest shirts I saw through the whole thing, and he and his wife are EXACTLY the kind of good people chile-heads are known to be. I'm hoping Sic and LadySic will come visit the farm, and prop feet up on a cooler while watching the smoker work like hell.

Great talking to the ones I got to meet today...wish I had known people from BURLESON were there...I "grew up" there.
How long have you been away?
Yeah baby, we got ours comin!

Now I hope you signed them Sic, don't worry not selling them on eBay or sum such sht. Hopefully there's a big enough SKYYY stain that we'll be able to wring out ourselves a Greyhound when it gets here! HAHAHAHAHA
Salsalady, I did my rounds today, sorry I didn't say hi I was a little tight on time but I got some of your ghost fire. Good stuff! Had a great time and got stocked up for the next few months with Chipotle Texas, Kramers wing rub, Texas Creek, and viper sauce stuff. Thanks guys I'm planning a batch of crock pot slow cooked chuck roast seasoned with some of my new goodies for some beef tacos :-).

Again thanks to all the vendors. Good stuff and lots of fun.

P.S. I made a pit stop in the bathrooms and some poor b#*£%^+!d was sitting on the pooper, exploding and throwing up on the floor. Poor guy sounded like he over did it a bit lol. And if said man is a forum member, I'm sorry, hope you're doing ok...
P.S. I made a pit stop in the bathrooms and some poor b#*£%^+!d was sitting on the pooper, exploding and throwing up on the floor. Poor guy sounded like he over did it a bit lol. And if said man is a forum member, I'm sorry, hope you're doing ok...

Sicman I told you to watch out for the Pure Evil Ketchup! HAHAHAHAHA

Thanks PK for the update. Glad you made it. Wish we could have, so you know, the vicarious thing....
SHeesh! OK, BOYS! Back in line~~~

Dr P, thanks for introducing yourself at the Festival. I'm always glad to meet forum members who I know I'll be seeing online. It's great to put a face-to-the-name. I can take your comments about the name. It's a long story so I won't bore everyone.

Basically, I do a WIDE range of products, some hot, some not and not everything is chile-related. We had to come up with a name that would cover everything from Pure Evil capsaicin drops to fresh salsa to plain old salad dressings. It is what it is, and I never want someone to buy my products because of a punny name like "Sofa King" or other names that my child can't say because of the connotations or blatant vulgarity. Anyway, hopefully my sauces are memorable enough that people will buy them in spite of the un-inspiring name.

Dr. P~ don't let this first snipping discourage you from the forum. It's a great place and there is loads of information. No Harm done~


PeppaKid- sorry I didn't meet you. Hope you enjoy the sauce.
LunchBox great to meet you, and Woody3 also. Ringside????
Cory_Huck was a quick show, dude was running the gauntlet on crutches! OUCH! Hope you get to feeling better soon.

At the festival today, I was prepared for busy, but NOT prepared for the non-stop customers ALLL day! I didn't even have time to eat lunch, and finally at about 4:00 had to just ignore the customers and eat a salad cuz I was getting light headed from no food all day.

I'm sorry I didn't get the chance to hang out and visit with people as I'd been hoping to. But it's better to be busy at an event like this than looking for customers. Or trying to harass/carnivalbarker them into your booth like my booth-neighbors are doing! (they are not food/sauce vendors, so I don't feel bad about saying that!)

We've sold about 3/4 of the Pure Evil that we brought down, and had about a dozen people attempt Pure Evil Drops straight up. Only had a few that were reduced to tears, the rest managed to just get by with facial distortions and vocal lamentations.

Friday Night, at the awards banquet, I was fortunate enough to share a table with The Creator, The Creatoress, the Intensity Academy gang, AlabamaJack, Jim from Duke&Baron's (upstart company, won 2 Golden Chiles and a 3rd place first time out. WOOT!) and a couple others.

Before the awards, Defcon John and I were talking a little smack and he pulls out the Sludge and says something about going tit-for-tat. To which I pulled a bottle of Pure Evil out of my purse.....GAME ON! A Swizzle-straw of Sludge-vs-Pure Evil. I grabbed a spoon and gave him 2 drops of Pure Evil, while I got the straw of doom. (Personally.... I think the Creator got the light end of the deal based on quantity.....at least that's my story and I'm sticking too it! :lol: ).

Anyway, I didn't throw up or totally embarass myself, but let's just say I'm sure I didn't look the greatest with tears running down my face. :cool:

This evening, Evan and I had a great time with the Sic's. We went to an Asian/Indian grill for dinner. We all had very enjoyable dinners, but came away feeling like it was all mild heat. Even the Spicy Noodles were just meh~ Tasted good...just meh~~~~

Thanks for the well wishes from everyone. One More Day, it'll be a crazy one!

So to end this thread, I'd like to post one more picture.


did i mention..."IT"S NOT AN EXTRACT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
No no no, you got me wrong here. It has a vintage look to it and thats fine by me! Shoot Id have asked for one too if I knew you had them. I thinks its cool looking :cool:

How long have you been away?

I've been out of Burlyville since the mid 90's...I gradumicated BHS in 95, then went to Tarleton for 4 years.

But...I don't think Sic was going for vintage. Meeting him, and seeing the shirt, and talking...I think he was going for a natural/naturalist style, which is the vibe he puts off...like he's made a secret pact with Mother Earth. I love it. No gimics, no hype, and thank Zeus...no pretentiousness at all...the Sic clan is genuine.

To the Dr. P thing...everyone needs to relax. I agree his crits would probably be a bit more appropriate in a PM, but this is war. SL is in business to make a living doing what she loves. She is not over the top. She is not offering a fancy package. She is not displaying anything but masterfully crafted products that speak for themselves. And I'm guessing, she may be slightly put off by thie crits, but will internalize them, and either consider a new approach...or be confident in her product's ability to hold it's own in the arena of quality. Everything I tasted of hers screams perfection. Not that it may or may not be the best sauce I've ever had...but everything I tried and bought slaps me in the face that this was not an accident...not rushed to meet a deadline...not slapped together for a show. Her sauces are thoughtful, and tedious. Marketing is about reaching the people...and there is apparently (at least) one people that wants more. I think SL...and I do NOT wish to speak for her...would probably see this as an opportunity for reflection, and being a businesswoman, is somewhat immune to singular opinions when compared to the overall response to her products.

Personally, Texas Creek is more than I expected, on all fronts. I was prep'd to be polite, supportive, and buy a good sauce from an online friend. What I met, was a focussed woman with products that speak for her, where she may not dare.

<raising my glass>
