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  1. rabbit

    Review tonight on drumstick chicken Legs. Curb stomp.

    Going to do a personal review on curb stomp hot wings. (drumsticks). Liked Defcon 1 heat and taste a few days ago.
  2. rabbit

    dry-spice Like my ghost chili powder.

    Recently I bought some Hot pepper powder. I loved it. It's kiva Ghost pepper powder. Makes a good powder for gas station sandwich. Smoky taste and perfect heat. I like habs and others. Amazing! About the habs. I like them but ghost chilly's are my favorite. I like nagas too but can't grow till...
  3. rabbit

    Rabbits back.

    :cool: Hello it's Rabbit. It's been 15 years since I talked on here. I'm a combat veteran and a good father of a 15 year old daughter. I wrote a poem book. Now I'm a famous writer. I also am getting into sportbike racing. Expensive but wicked awesome. Fell out of my capsaicin use for a while...
  4. rabbit

    Just too funny. You have to watch!

    I figured you guys would get a kick out of it. I found it pretty humorous. One of my friends sent it to me:lol:.
  5. rabbit

    Creepy but true.

    Hey, guys I haven't been on in a while. I've been very anti-social I apologize. I've had quite a bit going on lately. Anywho, was talking to my Grandpa today who was in the hospital and I already knew this, but the subject briefly came up. I was Born at Wayne County General Hospital in MI. Turns...
  6. rabbit

    My cat died in my arms today.

    Well, Mr Bear-Pookhah bear died in my arms today. Went out with my friends and when I came back my wife said he looked bad. He was foaming at the mouth and breathing hard. His face was fool of foam and I held him as he panted really hard. I looked at him and said it's ok. I love you buddy we...
  7. rabbit

    It's that time again.

    Well, I figured the beginning of March would be a good time to start getting my new plants started. I'm not growing as many different varieties this year because I only have so much room on the patio. I did start my seeds using the papertowel method today though.(Worked good for me last year.)...
  8. rabbit

    My cat should truly be on this forum too!

    Well, there was one time he stole my hotwings off of the counter. (Yeah, I like them hot too:shocked:) He grabbed a burrito out of my hand once loaded with Cajohn 10, always hides and stashes my peppers with bite marks in them, then I wonder why he's running around in circles. Then there was...
  9. rabbit

    hot-sauce The Hottest Fu**IN Sauce.

    That's the name of it. Has some great wording on! I went to Cabela's here in MI a few weeks ago and stopped by a gas station to pick up some jerky. They had this on the shelf. I think it called me out:lol:. Honestly I was impressed with the heat for a sauce picked up on a shelf in a gas...
  10. rabbit

    Here's what I've been up to.

    Haven't been on in ages, but I didn't forget to post on here. Actually IGG asked how I was doing and I fealt like sharing. I'm doing alright. I actually got 2 jobs in the past month. I got one of my old jobs back and a week later I got a call from an interior designing company 10 minutes from my...
  11. rabbit

    Blood type and food

    I was being the dork that I can be researching stuff and I came across this:lol:. What's funny is I've heard of this before, but happened to come across it. There must be some truth to it. I am blood type O and they have a tendency to do better with more meat in there diet. I tend to crave meat...
  12. rabbit

    beer Newbie to brewing

    Hey, you guys I may be getting a homebrew kit for Christmas from someone. Don't know yet though. Just hoping:D Anywho, do you guys have any tips for a future guy learning to brew beer. I'd love to try some recipes out that are known and good. I'd love to be creative and mess around making stuff...
  13. rabbit

    Found out the sex of the baby today!!

    ...........Boy I'm in for a doozy. I'm going to have to do the shotgun cleaning trick in the future now. Turns out I'm having a girl!:shocked: I'm actually really excited, but I have a feeling I'm already going to be protective:lol:. Everything looked good in the ultrasound and I'm very...
  14. rabbit

    Sickmonts Avatar are you the guy starring in "Bad Santa" this year?:P:lol: Seriously I just thought it was kind of funny and had to post!:cool:
  15. rabbit

    BRRR it's COLD!!

    Well, it was the last day of muzzloader season and I went hunting just for the heck of it. I didn't expect to see much with the high winds and cold, but I did find a spot to bowhunt in a few days by accident in the pines. (Deer like pines in the cold, good for me too. Keeps me warmer.) Anywho, I...
  16. rabbit

    baking Who else get's into making pizzas!!

    I could easily buy pizza's, but who else get's into making home made pizza's? I LOVE IT!! You can put whatever you're heart desires on a homeade pizza. I made a homemade pizza with THC'S nagasav sauce instead of pizza sauce and that was AWESOME!! Today's was more simple though. I made the doe...
  17. rabbit

    Fine Italian dining and boxing.

    Well, for one I'm laid off and I wouldn't waste money going out to eat. I actually didn't spend anything. My father-in-law had already planned on taking my wife and I out today and he was paying anyways so we went. It was outstanding food and some other family was there. I really enjoyed it and...
  18. rabbit

    Dude this SUCKS!!

    ....I'm handling it pretty well, but I am no one more person without a job in this great state. I just got laid off yesterday. Fortunately they are still going to pay me until Mid-January and they are still going to pay for my medical insurance until Mid-April. In that area I'm actually greatful...
  19. rabbit

    Something I must admit......

    ......checking out this forum can chear me up in a heartbeat and the people on here have a great sense of humor. Alot of laidback people on here. Great place to hang out and you guys ROCK!!...............Oh, yeah I had some beer too...he....he...he!!!:P:hell::cool::lol:
  20. rabbit

    Hey, I'm not the only one!

    Squirrel and Rabbit recipes are on this page!:lol: I actually cooked squirrel last night. I took a break from deer hunting and did some squirrel hunting. I saw five, but only took two shots. I'm picky and don't like wounding stuff and wasting ammo. I got a nice fox squirrel to take home, missed...