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Blood type and food

I was being the dork that I can be researching stuff and I came across this:lol:. What's funny is I've heard of this before, but happened to come across it. There must be some truth to it. I am blood type O and they have a tendency to do better with more meat in there diet. I tend to crave meat quite a bit and my wife is blood type A. She likes meat as well, but doesn't eat it anywhere near as much as I do. She tends to eat alot more grain products and veggies. I eat alot of veggies too, but I tend to always want my meat in my meals..lol! Just wondering if anyone else thinks this influences there diet tendencies? Just thought it was interesting to read. http://www.runtheplanet.com/trainingracing/nutrition/bloodtype.asp
I'm O too like most people, but I'm not a big meat eater at all. I love it but I'm too fussy with bits of bone and chewy fat.
Man, my friend here who's a health nut swears by that. Him and his wife seem to have gotten a lot of benefits out of eating like that.
I am kindof in the middle on this. On the one hand the article is dead on about metabolism for me (type O) and for the stomach acid as well. But something I need a lot of is vegtables, and that is contrary to the article. I eat plenty of meat, like most guys, but If I don't get some raw veggies at least once a day my energy would be in the basement. I think stuff like this is sort of like astrology. It's vague enough to be partly true for a lot of people, but it's not really much more than that.
Wild Man Matt said:
I am kindof in the middle on this. On the one hand the article is dead on about metabolism for me (type O) and for the stomach acid as well. But something I need a lot of is vegtables, and that is contrary to the article. I eat plenty of meat, like most guys, but If I don't get some raw veggies at least once a day my energy would be in the basement. I think stuff like this is sort of like astrology. It's vague enough to be partly true for a lot of people, but it's not really much more than that.
In that article it said that type O should also eat alot of veggies as well as meat. It just said that carbs from whole grains tend not to be as good in a diet like ours. I eat a ton of veggies as well. I also crave alot of meat. I hardly ever crave pastas though. Like for example I eat a full blown spinach salad at least three times a week. I also include orange bell peppers, red onions, blue cheese, boiled egg, bacon, and raddishes in it. For some reason I can never get enough spinach, peppers, and onions. Of course I still have meat in my salads though:lol: This is just my diet and I didn't even read this before. I just find it odd that I naturally crave foods like that and listen to my body. My wife seems to be doing that in regards to her blood type as well. Yeah, it's not hard facts, but I notice some truth in it. Kind of interesting.
Certainly interesting. I am just saying that I seem to crave veggies and pasta MORE than meat. Meat is the focus of most meals, but you know what I am saying. I like putting crushed pepper on a big salad and I'll make ala vodka or something over penne. I am not saying there is NO truth, but I wonder how true these things are for EVERYONE I guess is the bigger point. I think most folks would be heathier with fewer carbs n whatnot. I dunno, maybe if I read it more carefully I would feel differently. I would be curious to find out how these 'facts' were discovered. It takes days or weeks for certain effects from what we eat to take hold. If you feel good today it could be because you didn't have any gluten for a few days prior to eating that bowl of cereal. Just musing...
Wild Man Matt said:
I think stuff like this is sort of like astrology. It's vague enough to be partly true for a lot of people, but it's not really much more than that.

Wild Man Matt said:
Certainly interesting. I am just saying that I seem to crave veggies and pasta MORE than meat. Meat is the focus of most meals, but you know what I am saying. I like putting crushed pepper on a big salad and I'll make ala vodka or something over penne. I am not saying there is NO truth, but I wonder how true these things are for EVERYONE I guess is the bigger point. I think most folks would be heathier with fewer carbs n whatnot. I dunno, maybe if I read it more carefully I would feel differently. I would be curious to find out how these 'facts' were discovered. It takes days or weeks for certain effects from what we eat to take hold. If you feel good today it could be because you didn't have any gluten for a few days prior to eating that bowl of cereal. Just musing...

I wouldn't go as far to say it's hard data or proof. Just fits in oddly with my wife and I. I think there may be some truth to it, but yes it's not hard data or anything. Just something interesting that I think could have some truth.
im AB -

started on the blood type diet prob 7 yrs ago.. my wife thought i was stupid.. still dont drink milk, eat certain things but not on 100%

ya see all these diff things, like new diets where they say ""oh all i ate was Protien" and lost weight, (they O type) but then others try it, and get fat.. then theres the carb diets, the A 's & B's go good there, yet The O's put On.. if i eat normal Bread, start sneezing, Milk get all flemmy and nose blocks

love the actuall story of how the blood types came by Peter D'Adamo, whom wrote the book,, a lot say its all bullshit

but ive had to buy 4 copies so far as mine keep getting not returned when i lend them, must be something in it :D
I will resist believing this theory till I die for the sole reason that it says I should not drink cofffee. I am glad it is working out for you though.
Wild Man Matt said:
I will resist believing this theory till I die for the sole reason that it says I should not drink cofffee. I am glad it is working out for you though.

If it makes ya feel better I love coffee as well, but hardly drink it. Everytime I do I get acidy burps.;) Still good things and I feel that nothings bad in moderation. I do get acidy with that too though.
theHippySeedCo said:
im AB -

started on the blood type diet prob 7 yrs ago.. my wife thought i was stupid.. still dont drink milk, eat certain things but not on 100%

ya see all these diff things, like new diets where they say ""oh all i ate was Protien" and lost weight, (they O type) but then others try it, and get fat.. then theres the carb diets, the A 's & B's go good there, yet The O's put On.. if i eat normal Bread, start sneezing, Milk get all flemmy and nose blocks

love the actuall story of how the blood types came by Peter D'Adamo, whom wrote the book,, a lot say its all bullshit

but ive had to buy 4 copies so far as mine keep getting not returned when i lend them, must be something in it :D
I drink whole milk and it does that to me too. When I was in the Army I couldn't drink milk for about 4 hours prior to a run. It always made me phlem up and I'd puke. If I didn't have dairy I was fine though. I do really good on a high protein diet as well. Gotta have my veggies as well and I do eat carbs, but I don't really need them unless I'm running alot. I'm starting to work out alot now again because of my new job choice I'm choosing and will eat some whole grain breads and such, but if I'm not very active I put on a little chunk with wheat and pasta's myself.
In my experience, eating a diet high in lean protein and veggies generally leads to weight loss, increased energy and a better life.