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Here's what I've been up to.

Haven't been on in ages, but I didn't forget to post on here. Actually IGG asked how I was doing and I fealt like sharing. I'm doing alright. I actually got 2 jobs in the past month. I got one of my old jobs back and a week later I got a call from an interior designing company 10 minutes from my place saying they were very interested in me. I went in for the interiew and they offered me more money and I'm now the leader of my own department as a fabricator-welder for them. Alot of new responsibilities, but I like the job. Also, I've been doing alot of icefishing lately. I've caught quite a few fish, but here's pics of where I went today. Lake Erie on Brest bay. My father-in-law and I went out a mile or more. If you don't know that lake can be dangerous to icefish as well. I heard there was good ice out there so I gave it a shot for walleyes. We got skunked, but it was quite the experience. We crossed a pressure ridge, and had alot of ice popping out there. The wind turned slightly from the east and the ice was crushing together. Alot of snaps and pops. I even watched a giant pop on a crack shoot snow a couple feet in the air in a line about 70 yards long:shocked: WEIIIRD, but fun:lol: I'm going to put these pics up here in a sec too. Just cool pics of Erie from way out. I actually oddly got a sunburn on my face today from the reflection of the sun on the ice, but don't have a pic of that. Anywho, I need to hang out on here more again.
Novacastrian said:
Sounds like you have been having a blast mate, great to have you back too

Yeah, I've been having fun!!:D I'm trying to get those stinking pics to load too...:lol: My computer is SLOOOOW!!! Dang viruses:oops:(Don't ask how they got there..lol!) I'm doing alright. Just haven't been on here in ages and fealt like dropping a line. My pics don't show any vid type pics either. Actually I really took them to show my dad to bring back memories for him. We used to fish Lake Erie alot for walleyes in the summer when I was a kid and there's a couple reference points of where we went. One of the pics is of the consumers power electrical plant from out there and one of them you can see Fermi II way out in the distance. It's normally good walleye waters, but we got skunked. I actually wanted to go out about another mile, but the ice was freaking me out and I'm normally a brave icefisherman. I was talking to another guy on a forum that went 8 miles out on a snowmobile in 31 feet of water on there. After what I saw today. That guy has BRASS BALLS!!
Here's a couple pics for now. Ones of my father-in-law fishing out there with the endless ice for miles and miles and here's one just of the same shot without him. The others keep freezing:oops::lol:

That's WOW....

For most Aussies that sort of thing is totally alien.....I would love to be there doing that with you....

It's just another day for you but it would be an adventure of a life time for me....

One day maybe........Thanks for the pic's mate. And good to see you are doing well.....

How is the new boy? it was a boy wasn't it????:think:
Hey Rabbit, Congrats on your job, The pics are pretty cool, no pun intended. By the way, you need to post a pic on the mug shot thread. I need some new material in fear that I'm afraid that one day an Aussie navy sub is going to show up in my front yard.
HotPeppersFlyFishing said:
I hope you were not not out there today Rabbit,seriously!!
let us know
Nah, I wasn't out there today. With the high winds and the warmer weather and rain today I knew today would not be a good day for fishing a big lake like that. ESPECIALLY ERIE!!:shocked: From what I read it sounded like some people with lack of respect for the lake. I crossed a pressure ridge on Friday, but the winds were almost non exsistant and the winds were turning slightly from the east. I think that's why I had so much popping out there on the ice yesterday. The ice was slowly crushing against itself onto shore. (Better than blowing out from shore as it did in this situation.) I would definitely fish it again sometime, but the conditions have to be PERFECT for me to even considering an icefishing trip on that lake. I'm actually going to go icefishing tomorrow on an inland lake near my house. The ice is over a foot thick and with this warm front it hasn't had enough time to deteriorate on a small inland lake yet. I'll need some waterproof boots for tomorrow though. The top will be slushy. It's supposed to be pretty warm all week as well. I think I'm going rabbit hunting next weekend and if it get's cold enough again I'll hit up another lake in a couple weeks.
moyboy said:
That's WOW....

For most Aussies that sort of thing is totally alien.....I would love to be there doing that with you....

It's just another day for you but it would be an adventure of a life time for me....

One day maybe........Thanks for the pic's mate. And good to see you are doing well.....

How is the new boy? it was a boy wasn't it????:think:

Nah, it's a girl. I'll still be protective of her too:lol:
Novacastrian said:
Nice bro how thick is the ice where you were?

It was a consistant 12-14 inches thick. Definitely thick enough to drive a car on. I wasn't taking my truck out there though:shocked::lol: I've driven my truck out on lakes before, but those were inland lakes with ALOT of ice!
imaguitargod said:
I just went ice fishing last week. Nice pics, Rabit!

Thanks man. I still have to get a couple more up, but I don't feel like messing with that again at the current moment. If you ever want to do some icefishing sometime just let me know man.
chilehunter said:
welcome back & congrats on the new job.
if I was to go on a lake I'd want to use those land/water ATV's

Where in Mn. do you live? We have 20" of ice! I drive a 3/4 ton dodge with the cummins deisel out on the ice all the time.:)
joe - I know you can drive a vehicle on the lakes here, BUT why ? the things dont float & cant go on thinner ice if you still want to fish'em or find them by accident!!
if you do break through you just keep on driving while your truck or snowmible or regular ATV is going under. then theres the bill you have to pay to haul them up & restore them!
I'd rather loose a ATV than a truck, its a little cheaper to haul up & fix if it happens ;) (& ATV's can float sometimes cuz of their tires)
& you know it DOES happen, EVERY YEAR!

then the other thing to consider is your life, whats that worth ? so I stand by my claim I'd rather go on a lake with a land/water ATV, but I dont ice fish so who cares right! I've never really fully trusted ice cuz theres hidden dangers to them & under snow cover.

as for your ALL THE TIME I say BS & you know it!!!!! call me up lets take that truck out on the lake late Feb. early March, come on it can handle it, I mean it does have a snorkel kit for it doesnt it ? ;)
I should of also added, I know most ice is safe during middle of winter, well what about early & late winter ? I bet you wont risk your truck for some fish.
as a MN angler you also know some lakes can have natural springs to them that prevent a good solid freeze safe enough for some things.
or that snow cover can sometimes insulation the water from freezing to a safe thickness, or that underwater plants can prevent safe ice thickness.
then what if you dont know that lake for its natural thin ice in spots ? & then you find it! sure would be nice to have one of those ATV's that are made for land/water use & look you dont die cuz you just keep on driving to the next location.

I've snowmobiled on rivers, not my liken but others wanted to, I'm always full throttle on a river & dont get in my way :lol: cuz you have open water in some locations.

if I remember right we already have at least 1 death this season (could be more, I dont pay attention to these stats) from a snowmobiler riding on a lake & went through. I dont even know how many vechiles have or will go into the water this season (does the DNR even post this info ?) but I can say its not uncommon for it to happen every year!

my favorite of all time was when something like 7 idiots parked there vehicles all next to each other, the ice gave away & every vehicle went down :lol: that was up north I think ? gotta love humor like that!

so no I dont trust ice 100% always, for a good reason!
Welcome back Rabbit, and good to hear the employment situation got better. As for driving on the ice, the lake next to my high school still has a "victim" in it from almost 30 years ago.....my brother and his friend were out on the lake doing donuts in a 72' Pinto. They stopped to get out and take a leak, and walked about 50 or so feet from the car and suddenly *CRACK CRACK CRACK* *SPLASH* and the car was sinking. They still laugh about it today, and a couple of times when the water levels drop dramatically you can still see the roof sticking out of the mud in the middle of Franklin lake. My brother always said the only part of it that bummed him out was losing his Zeppelin II 8-track.