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Wayrights 2eleven

Love it! Start with my redneck grow chamber and your redneck irrigation system, add a roll of duct tape and some bailin' wire, and I think we have a whole 'nuther line of chile growing products!

Yea Cappy, I call it my redneck irrigation system! :rofl:
Thank you Noah.
I just got to plant a few things today! about 1/4 of my stuff!
I'm hoping to get done by weeks end.

I stuck my Ciliatum right in the dirt again!

and a small start on my plantout.



Real nice Kevin! You're ahead of me...as of Tuesday evening I've only got 2 rows set out (22 plants).

It took me 3 hours to plant one row last night...My wife says I need psychiatric help.

Do you do any amendments to your soil?

Love it! Start with my redneck grow chamber and your redneck irrigation system, add a roll of duct tape and some bailin' wire, and I think we have a whole 'nuther line of chile growing products!
Ahh yes! we gotta tie in the duct tape!
What good redneck dont keep a roll handy at all times!!! :rofl:
Thank you Midwest!

Real nice Kevin! You're ahead of me...as of Tuesday evening I've only got 2 rows set out (22 plants).

It took me 3 hours to plant one row last night...My wife says I need psychiatric help.

Do you do any amendments to your soil?

Thank you Gary!
I got all my rows prepped before I started to plantout!
So now its all downhill!
Until the weeds pop! :beer:

The only ammendments I did this year was tilling in some epsom salts!
I wanna let them get used to their new home for a few weeks before I start to mess with em!


Ha, thats how I fertilize also Kevin. Put a couple scoops of food in and let the water run for a while.
Yea man this method is super easy!!
I dont even use MG!
But ya cant beat that container!
I load it with Epsom, bonemeal,,other stuff! ;)
Works great!
Are you growing on Mars? Plants look real nice, high tech kryptonite watering system already in place. :lol:
Ha, like that and gotta love that red dirt. My dad grows some stuff over by Huntsville--the texture of his dirt is very fine, almost seems like sand to me, not at all what I would call clay. Alien stuff to me, but it really grows a wide variety of things very well.

Yea man this method is super easy!!
I dont even use MG!
But ya cant beat that container!
I load it with Epsom, bonemeal,,other stuff! ;)
Works great!
Now I WILL be trying that! Do you have a recipe for what you load or is it just what seems right? Do you send this just to your peppers or do other varieties of plants enjoy the treat?
But ya cant beat that container!
I load it with Epsom, bonemeal,,other stuff! ;)
Works great!

Any general hints on what the other stuff might be...

...maybe you could reveal some of the ingredients from your special recipe of eleven secret herbs and spices??? ;) :lol: :rofl:

And is that Alladin and his magic lantern I see under yer red-neck watering station in this pic??? :cool:


I'm guessin' you're almost ready to release the Genie into yer pepper garden down there, and sit back and watch as those...

...girly-assed pepper seedling sprigs explosively morph into Root-Ball Massing, Main Stem Bursting, Full-Fledged Alpha Male Peppa Trees...

...but once ya let that Genie outta the bottle...there's no going back to the way things used to be... :dance: :crazy: :rofl: :cool:

Ha, like that and gotta love that red dirt. My dad grows some stuff over by Huntsville--the texture of his dirt is very fine, almost seems like sand to me, not at all what I would call clay. Alien stuff to me, but it really grows a wide variety of things very well.

Now I WILL be trying that! Do you have a recipe for what you load or is it just what seems right? Do you send this just to your peppers or do other varieties of plants enjoy the treat?
I love my red clay!!!
I mostly grow peppers but all my plants love it!

You could prolly do the feeder jar with soakers or drips!
I prefer overhead watering,,a big no no , so I have heard! :lol:

Good luck!

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Any general hints on what the other stuff might be...

...maybe you could reveal some of the ingredients from your special recipe of eleven secret herbs and spices??? ;) :lol: :rofl:

And is that Alladin and his magic lantern I see under yer red-neck watering station in this pic??? :cool:


I'm guessin' you're almost ready to release the Genie into yer pepper garden down there, and sit back and watch as those...

...girly-assed pepper seedling sprigs explosively morph into Root-Ball Massing, Main Stem Bursting, Full-Fledged Alpha Male Peppa Trees...

...but once ya let that Genie outta the bottle...there's no going back to the way things used to be... :dance: :crazy: :rofl: :cool:

Good eye Doug!
My Alladin was bought in a happy meal back in 92!
He has wished good luck on my peppers ever since!!!!!!!

He got tilled under for a coupla years!

But retilled up,, and keeps a careful eye on my foilage!!!

He will get the highest bamboo stake in the garden to live on for the season! :dance:

And you can bet your bottom dollar, that those girly peppers will lose their panties very soon! :dance:

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And you can bet your bottom dollar, that those girly peppers will lose their panties very soon! :dance:


Yup, they grow up so fast...one day they have skinny little girly stems and branches, and the next time ya check...

...their trunk is bigger than your thigh, and ya have to get a tall step ladder to pick the fruit...

...lookin' forward to seein' it happen Kevin. :cool:

So yea! Its only been a few days but,
I am very happy to say I got most of my plantout done!! :woohoo:
It took several days and even more mixed drinks! :beer:

This is what I got done so far

I wanted to save these remaining rows for some cool varieties of Okra I got! Thanks Rick!!
I have one tray of very small peppers left to plant tho!
So now I have a tough decision!


This Galapagoense is starting to bud out already!! :lol:


And my Cardenasii is really doing swell! :cool:

I will let all my plants soak in their new surroundings for a few weeks before I start giving them any food!

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Dig the awesome pepper patch from hot 'lanta. Can't wait to see your progress as the plants find their footing and reach for the sky. Everything looks good after the wind storm that swept thru the southeast, no rain here but saw you got hit hard last night. Good to see you didn't get washed out was worried watching the dopler for you. Big relief when the plants finally get in the ground that's for sure. Lookin' good. :D
Dig the awesome pepper patch from hot 'lanta. Can't wait to see your progress as the plants find their footing and reach for the sky. Everything looks good after the wind storm that swept thru the southeast, no rain here but saw you got hit hard last night. Good to see you didn't get washed out was worried watching the dopler for you. Big relief when the plants finally get in the ground that's for sure. Lookin' good. :D
Ahh yes Cappy! quite a storm last night!
I was also worried for our fellow southeastern growers! :beer:
But the storm swept thru and I just gave the plants a lil rinse off!
Thanks man!

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Very nice! Looks like a start-up vineyard, only with peppers instead of grapes. It look like 2011 will be a good year for the Wayright vintage.... :cool:
Looking good, waywright. I'm jealous! got my overwinters potted up today, but still have to wait a few weeks before I can put peppers in the ground.
Lookin' great Kevin. Good to hear the bad weather missed you and your garden. You're way ahead of me on planting out.

I was really blasted with some strong winds and rain and it's 38F here this AM, but the weather looks much better for this week and I think I can finally start putting some plants in the ground this week if it dries out enough.
I like the care you take in laying out your garden...and your plants already look real happy!

My plant-out is proceeding real slowly this year...seems like other stuff keeps preventing me from working in the garden... :mad: Two rows are in, five to go...

The Queen Laurie and Birgit Locoto seeds you sent me are already showing hooks, after only a week or so from sowing. Way ahead of Peppermania's Aji Amarillo, sown 3-4 weeks ago and showing nothing!
Very nice! Looks like a start-up vineyard, only with peppers instead of grapes. It look like 2011 will be a good year for the Wayright vintage.... :cool:
:cheers: heres to some vintage supers!!
Thank you Siliman! Hopefully things will go along normally and I will have a bumper crop! :lol:

Looking good, waywright. I'm jealous! got my overwinters potted up today, but still have to wait a few weeks before I can put peppers in the ground.
Hey MWCH! A few weeks will seem like the blink of an eye!
You will be planting before ya know it man! :cool:
Thank you!

Lookin' great Kevin. Good to hear the bad weather missed you and your garden. You're way ahead of me on planting out.

I was really blasted with some strong winds and rain and it's 38F here this AM, but the weather looks much better for this week and I think I can finally start putting some plants in the ground this week if it dries out enough.
Thank you SS! I have had my plants hardening for awhile now!
and I think they seem safer in the dirt during harsh weather, than they do in the trays!
I hope you can get a good start this week!
We should have great weather for it! :lol:

I like the care you take in laying out your garden...and your plants already look real happy!

My plant-out is proceeding real slowly this year...seems like other stuff keeps preventing me from working in the garden... :mad: Two rows are in, five to go...

The Queen Laurie and Birgit Locoto seeds you sent me are already showing hooks, after only a week or so from sowing. Way ahead of Peppermania's Aji Amarillo, sown 3-4 weeks ago and showing nothing!
Thank you Gary!
I am glad the seeds are doing well! :woohoo:
You should let Beth know if ya have any problems
She is a super cool lady! She will remedy the problem! :dance:

I got the last of my Okra and Cukes in today!
So,, except for weeds I am done!!

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