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overwintering Winter-Summer in OZ "Comparison" / Aussie Blabberers

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    Votes: 20 34.5%
  • A muppet

    Votes: 15 25.9%
  • A muppet

    Votes: 23 39.7%

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The four seedlings,3 mature butcher t ,naga morich,and 1 choc hab.all but 3 yellow bhuts seedlings are mature may sneak more seeds in

Butch t not butcher t lol
Hey there my fellow Ozzies :) Well with all this rain we've been getting its affected things ripening (especially my tomatoes). My red hab has taken ages n now I've only just gotten about 4 pods and they're still green. here's a pic of a couple of the pods.

Here is my jalapeno which has got 19 pods on it :dance:

Now this is the Hungarian hot Wax

Thought I'd chuck up a list of the chillies which I will be growing soon:
African Birdseye
Bhut Jolokia Red
Bhut Jolokia Purple
Bih Jolokia
Bonda ma Jacques
Dorset Naga
Habanero Red
Habanero Orange
Habanero Chocolate
Hungarian Hot Wax
Morouga Red
Peter Pepper Red
Peter Pepper Yellow
Trinidad Scorpion "Butch T"
Trinidad Scorpion Morouga Blend
7 Pot/Pod Red
7 Pot/Pod Yellow
Guyseses! Check out my scorp! You've never seen one with a tail like this... I guarantee it!


His name's Bill, he's grumpy all the time and he likes eating spiders... :P
Seasol has hardly any nitrogen or phosphorus in it, and by comparison a good deal of potassium and natural growth promoters and micro nutirents.
While this will help young seedlings produce greater root mass initially and help with transplant shock and plant stress in general it will not be a sufficient source of food once the plants start producing more foliage.

My advice would be to get a nice gentle organic liquid fish fertiliser (Ie NPK of 2 to 3:1:1 or something similar) as this will not likely burn the young plants roots especially at 1/2 strength but will give them a nice fast boost of growth at the same time with plenty of calcium (trucker/cargo mineral) to help the plants uptake the goodness.

I use this as my first liquid fert usually (not the granules the liquid)

ecofish analysis

It has plenty of calcium (more then potassium and phosphorus) and a good amount of Nitrogen which is immediately available to the plants, but won't burn them at half strength.
Its available at bunnings and is cheap which is an added bonus.

Thanks for the recommendation. Got it today. I used half strength.

I use seed raising mix in my cups first (more sand than wooodchip) then once they are healthy in to bigger pots with 'potting mix"

I also fill my cups to the brim not half way.


Thanks for the tip Mezo. These are the kind of things we newcomers are not aware of. I have filled the pots to the brim this time.
So I seem to have a few NOTS as previously mentioned, but does this look like Calusa Indian mound to you guys and gals?
It was supposed to be Trinidad Yellow Bonnet
