favorite whats your favorite baccatum?,

yezhead said:
added aji amarillo to growlist 2014
any info on the ubatuba cambuchi, have some seeds of that to :P
it is a tasty medium heat red fruity pepper that looks like an unside down flower pedel
this may or may not be another name for the Bishops Crown(too many conflicting stories)
good producer and a tall wide plant so keep it with like sized plant or by itself because it will out-compete smaller plants
its worth growing because of it good flavor and mediun to mild heat a very useful pepper that will accent  almost any dish that you want a little heat and a little extra flavor
i dont know anything about Belgian food but im sure it would work with that as well
oh by the way i see your from Belgium, i love Belgian beer!! especially CHAMAY GRAND RESERVE!! Belgian and Belgian style is one of my top types besides stouts and porters, i dont drink much i do it kind of on and off (OFF RIGHT NOW) but when i do i go for quality not super fond of Lambiks however a bit too tart for my taste
i also love Belgian Chocolate!!
thanks i hope this has been helpful
thanks your friend Joe
hey my friend joe :P
i had a bishops crown yesterday and it was a bit dissapointing, no heat at all
mayby ill grow one ubatuba to see what happends,
i hope they are hotter than what i had yesterday, just ate the whole thing no heat at all :rolleyes:
heh not much belgian food goes well with peppers, 
actually i eat a lot of asian (thai, balinese,..) and mexican dishes, last week i made some beef rendang, soo good :drooling: 
and nasi goring with homemade sambal containing over 15 different homegrown pepperstrains hehe
hahaha dont get me started over belgian beers, just got home for work, as useall first my daily "jupiler" (pale lager) 5.2%(see avatar)
yeah i know chimey, heavy beer, u should try "duvel" or "omer", those are the most popular beers over here 9%
should be no problem to find duvel, they announced a couple weeks ago that they bought some factories in US to produce duvel over there
they just made a new kind of duvel with asian hop, not bad at all, but the "real duvel drinker" prefere's the original, they also make whisky once in a while,
waiting lists and preordering, yeah duvel is very very popular here, chimay not so much
lambik is a fruitjuice to drink in the morning :P ... no serious
if a girl here wanne have a beer than its 75%chance they take a lambiek, its a girlbeer,alltough some girls like their duvel to.
actually the beers u talk are from wallonie, i'm flemish, we have another version of the lambiek, kriek max, translated cherry max
but lambiek is the original in that kind of beer, bockor made his own version
but try that duvel, its awesome, and after 3 of those most lights go out :lol:
here we can drink beer at age of 16, liquor  18...
i think u mean the chocolate pralines? the chinese people buy's them way to expensive in bruge's,
its a shame we dont have any chocolate beers  :party: what an idea  

oooh i missed something!!! :liar:shh:
the lambiek i am talking about is another lambiek then the one you mean, i know what lambiek you are talking about, def dont like that, but from that they make lambiek kriek and that is what i wrote about, the one u mean is indeed tart and sour! but its a very unique beer as its brewed with wild fermenetation...
now thats correct  :P
grtz yezhead
yezhead said:
hey my friend joe :P
i had a bishops crown yesterday and it was a bit dissapointing, no heat at all
mayby ill grow one ubatuba to see what happends,
i hope they are hotter than what i had yesterday, just ate the whole thing no heat at all :rolleyes:
heh not much belgian food goes well with peppers, 
actually i eat a lot of asian (thai, balinese,..) and mexican dishes, last week i made some beef rendang, soo good :drooling:
and nasi goring with homemade sambal containing over 15 different homegrown pepperstrains hehe
hahaha dont get me started over belgian beers, just got home for work, as useall first my daily "jupiler" (pale lager) 5.2%(see avatar)
yeah i know chimey, heavy beer, u should try "duvel" or "omer", those are the most popular beers over here 9%
should be no problem to find duvel, they announced a couple weeks ago that they bought some factories in US to produce duvel over there
they just made a new kind of duvel with asian hop, not bad at all, but the "real duvel drinker" prefere's the original, they also make whisky once in a while,
waiting lists and preordering, yeah duvel is very very popular here, chimay not so much
lambik is a fruitjuice to drink in the morning :P ... no serious
if a girl here wanne have a beer than its 75%chance they take a lambiek, its a girlbeer,alltough some girls like their duvel to.
actually the beers u talk are from wallonie, i'm flemish, we have another version of the lambiek, kriek max, translated cherry max
but lambiek is the original in that kind of beer, bockor made his own version
but try that duvel, its awesome, and after 3 of those most lights go out :lol:
here we can drink beer at age of 16, liquor  18...
i think u mean the chocolate pralines? the chinese people buy's them way to expensive in bruge's,
its a shame we dont have any chocolate beers  :party: what an idea  

oooh i missed something!!! :liar:shh:
the lambiek i am talking about is another lambiek then the one you mean, i know what lambiek you are talking about, def dont like that, but from that they make lambiek kriek and that is what i wrote about, the one u mean is indeed tart and sour! but its a very unique beer as its brewed with wild fermenetation...
now thats correct  :P
grtz yezhead
there ok but there not my favorite i listed the good ones earlier that i liked
well if belgian food doesnt go well with peppers then eat food that does right?? and it looks like you have
im going to have to try jupiler but i never seen it here where im at??
i never had duval but had a belgian style beer here that was a clone of it and it was good
belgian beers over here can be quite expensive but worth it in some ways
i still love Chamay blue (grand reserve)a case of 24 12 oz bottles is abouit $110.00 USD
i could see how lambeks could be considered a ladies beer my friends Girlfriend love Lindamans frambous raspberry and thats the one besides for BOONE, i did not like either one
i tried PALM did not like it
i tried Stella Artois its just ok we call it (wife beater beer) not sure why??
i wanna try duval and Gulden Drak im told both are excellant
we can find some good belgian chocolate bars and other candies over here
but i never seen the prailines
nice talking to you
thanks your friend Joe
Indiana_Jesse said:
Wow! No mention of THE best of all baccatums, the one and only Peruvian Aji Amarillo? Nothing comes close in my opinion! Oh, and I like Aji Cristal, Omnicolor, "Lemon Drop"/Limon, and every red colored baccatum I've tried as well.
Some people just dont like baccatums, interesting you like that one, but not the others..
Spicegeist said:
Some people just dont like baccatums, interesting you like that one, but not the others..
Mmmmm? I think you need to look at the title of the thread and read my response more carefully. I'm not sure where I say I don't like the others? And how dare someone not like baccatums! hehe?
Indiana_Jesse said:
Mmmmm? I think you need to look at the title of the thread and read my response more carefully. I'm not sure where I say I don't like the others? And how dare someone not like baccatums! hehe?
Oh yeah, sorry, you're right. I inserted a "don't" that wasn't in there. Too much turkey over here.
OK, I have never had any baccatums, so I have no idea what I am missing if anything. what is it about the baccatums that creates such a fan base with such rave reviews? I have some newly acquired seeds from Hendrix1326's monster seed giveaway, that I have slated for the 2014 grow. but this topic has my interest tweaked.
HP22BH said:
OK, I have never had any baccatums, so I have no idea what I am missing if anything. what is it about the baccatums that creates such a fan base with such rave reviews? I have some newly acquired seeds from Hendrix1326's monster seed giveaway, that I have slated for the 2014 grow. but this topic has my interest tweaked.
you have to try them to understand, we can discribe them but until you have had a few wont beable to compleatly relate
i love um!!
i would suggest trying a few species this year
thanks your friend Joe
ajijoe said:
you have to try them to understand, we can discribe them but until you have had a few wont beable to compleatly relate
i love um!!
i would suggest trying a few species this year
thanks your friend Joe
OK, I can relate to that. many of the chilis I have had would have been difficult to fully discribe even having had some closly related to them. and then, take into consideration something totally not closely related.

I know, good english and or use of it, but it makes my point.
Spicegeist said:
I understand that.  I personally like baccatums, but love chinenses and some frutescens...
My two favorites for most peppers I like in a group would be annuum and baccatum. I like Chinense though especially wild Chinense they are very good. The real winners for me in the annuum category are the wild annuum like pequin and chiltepin.
Nightshade said:
My two favorites for most peppers I like in a group would be annuum and baccatum. I like Chinense though especially wild Chinense they are very good. The real winners for me in the annuum category are the wild annuum like pequin and chiltepin.
Oh yeah, I love chiltepins a lot!
Spicegeist said:
Oh yeah, I love chiltepins a lot!
yes they are tasty
had a Mexican friend bring me some wild picked ones at our favorite mexican restaurant they were from his summer home in Guadalahara (sorry thats spelled wrong) he knew i liked hot peppers and i think he wanted to play a joke on me well the joke was on him
i through one right in my mouth and started to chew he yelled  OH MY GOSH I CANT BELIEVE YOU JUST DID THAT THERE HOT!!
i calmly replied yeah it is and went on to do a review that would have made Nigel proud, i explained what it tasted like and how it burned my mouth, and them i explained that i was a commumate Chilehead i loved such things,he thought i was a Gringo or something, i made friend with him and through this i made friend with his cousin who owned the Mexican resauraunt
and i get preferental treatment cause they know how i like my food. Just like theres!!
thanks your friend Joe