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contest Vote! frydad4's Wild Waffle Throwdown

Vote for the best waffle creation.

  • geeme - Is Dan The Man?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • JoeyK - Aus-Espanya Waffle

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • wheebz - wheebz giant waffle finger disaster

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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Bacon!!!! Some one said Bacon?!?

I had a tough time deciding between a dessert waffle or a meal waffle. I was torn, so I went with the tried and trun fav BACON!
You guys should have been here!

Retta did a belly dance and I think I actually pulled a muscle holding the spotlight....

...oh yeah, the dinner wasn't too bad either! :dance:
Well after screwing this one up here's a few pics anyway, was a lot of work but not without the rewards of consuming it, even though it don't count for shit here.

Corn Waffles w/Jalepeno/Green Onion/Cilantro and assorted spices. (my hush puppy recipe adapted for the waffle) topped with Cajun Stuffed Pork Loin and Sauteed Portabellos and a Spicy Roux. Also a snack of Cajun BBQ Shrimp with waffles for dipping in that great shrimp juice








And the finished product

This is really tough, I want an entree and a desert. I love that Heart Attack (bacon) on a stick of Paulky's and DTS's desert waffle presentation is fabulous. I gotta go with the waffle presentation of DTS's
Logchief, I'm sorry to see you missed the deadline because your entry is a contender fo' sho'!

That being said, more votes for the rest of us???? :lol:

I truly hope you make the deadline on the next one cuz this one definitely showed some chops!~

now back to voting.......hmmm....hmmm......hhhmmmmmmmmmm.....whattodowhattodo!
Lazi- I saw the wire whisk and was wondering about that! Nice Job! Glad to see the sauce put to use, also.

I can't believe how much I waffled on this vote! Wanted to vote for the 'Kid, Pauly for the Chicken Fried Triple Play, myself(for staying up until 3:00am to post and for the only cast iron in the show) Lazi for using the fatalii sauce and doing the whipped cream by hand...But I gotta say the arteries got the better of me. After eating the Bacon Gravy for the last couple days and the 'Kid's deep fried sugar-laced gooey sprinkled chocolate extravaganza, April's lighter fare looks the most appealing this morning.

This was a hard one to choose, for sure! Awesome entries from everyone.
Geez, this is a tough one! Every entry looks delicious and is worthy of a vote. Thanks to all who entered.

I, like many others, actually spend a lot of time going through all the entries. Going back and forth, looking at things like creativity, ingredients, prep time, preparation techniques, visual appearance, attention to detail, etc. In the end, I'm looking for the one entry I just want to reach thru the screen and eat!

I'm not big on sweets, so two entries surfaced pretty fast; 'Salsalady's 3:00 AM Redeye Special' (by Salsalady) and 'Circle H Brunch Behemoth' (by Paulky).

Both entries are outstanding, true TD masterpieces, and I found it VERY difficult to choose just one. The one thing that finally tipped the scales? Fresh sliced tomatoes. Why? Uhmmm....because I like fresh tomatoes. For me, that's just how close these two entries are.

Again, well done one and all.

And don't forget to vote for Circle H Brunch Behemoth!. :cheers:
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