auction THSC Charity Auction

"I believe that the basic attribute of mankind is to look after each other." Fred Hollows

The THSC Auction for Charity open to THP members. The 1st Bottle made of my new Sauce “SKOBIYAN” Made from Trinidad Scorpions & Nashi Pears..Plus the Other Three so be the only person in the Universe (and Beyond) with the THSC range all together in 1 Go including the New Skobiyan that won’t be Released Properly to all till next Season.


Here is the Pack

This is whom for..

The Fred Hollows Foundation

The man whom treated all equal and gave the same care to an orphan in Africa as he would to the Head of the Country, a great man and truly missed.

Frederick "Fred" Cossom Hollows, AC (9 April 1929 – 10 February 1993) was an ophthalmologist who became known for his work in restoring eyesight for countless thousands of people in Australia and many other countries. It has been estimated that more than one million people in the world can see today because of initiatives instigated by Hollows, the most notable example being The Fred Hollows Foundation.

In 2008, The Fred Hollows Foundation completed upgrades to 29 eye health facilities and provided over $1.5 million for vital medical equipment.
The Foundation works in 18 countries throughout the world - carrying on the work of the late Professor Fred Hollows.

Some highlights include:
• More work amongst Indigenous Australians – including successful eye programs in The Northern Territory and new initiatives to close the gap in life expectancy between Indigenous and non Indigenous Australians
• Developing new pediatric ophthalmology programs in places such as Pakistan, Vietnam and Cambodia
• The production of the three millionth intra ocular lens from Fred Hollows Intra Ocular Lens laboratories in Nepal and Eritrea
• Reaching into new areas such as Afghanistan, Laos and Rwanda
“We cannot make this kind of difference without the support of the Australian people, who through their donations have been able to help us get on with Fred’s work and give the gift of sight back to thousands more people last year.”

In 2008 The Fred Hollows Foundation was awarded ‘Australia’s Best Practice Not-For-Profit’ by the Givewell Good Giving Guide with an emphasis on being transparent and accountable, whilst delivering thoughtful and practical programs across a range of social dimensions.

The Charity is Georgina’s favorite and as Fred is 1 of my hero’s will even throw in a 14Gm(1/2 Oz) pack of Naga Powder that only use for special purposes, Georgina my Beautiful partner whom a Lot have met when here is really shy and wont even let me take pics for the Family Album So its Unbelievable that she'd let me put her Pic online, But as its for charity.. here is the Beautiful Lady that has Put up with me for the Last 13 or so Years holding the Pack..


So as well as getting some great Aussie Sauces, ya will be helping the Hollows foundation help more People round the world to see. Imagine if you couldn’t see your Plants? you can also help them by donating, to the foundation and get there from the link earlier..

THSC will pay for Postage to Whomever gets it, Anywhere on the Planet and auction will finish Midnight(AustEST) August 20th (New Moon)

good Luck.
Be Excellent to Each Other
Rev. Neil & Family
The Hippy Seed Company
Yup Fred was da man. He didn't worry about who he was treating he just treated everyone the same.

My bid 101 Dalmations, errrr i mean dollars. :P
boutros said:
hmmmm... (conniving in a dark corner) what's the shipping to say... San Diego Neil? Just wondering...

The hippy seed company is paying for shipping Boutros! Bid away:)

SeeYouJimmy said:
Careful Boutros, Nova is known for outbidding himself just to scare off the opposition. I hope you have deep pockets. $120.

He's a sick man cause he will outbid himself just to get his post count up...:lol:

And I dare say :high: and :drunk: might have been involved.....


Bids: $170
wow neil seems like your going to raise a good amount of money from this. wish i could get in on this but its already much to rich for my blood. subscribed to see how far it goes before the others fold.