• If you need help identifying a pepper, disease, or plant issue, please post in Identification.

Guru's 1/8 Acre Fabriculture - 5 yr mothers

Sorry guys! I've been out of the country in Thailand for a bit. A friend of mine is starting a restaurant there, and wanted me to help him. I brew beer and like to call myself a chef as well. Weve been in the restaurant biz for quite the long time and thought why not begin being our own bosses once and for all? Anyhow, I left Mrs Guru with all the seed trays over my trip and she did pretty well! I still have lots to do and will be getting some other stuff germed as well before set out. Normally I like to set out by or on April 20th every year and this year would have been a good one to meet that deadline! So warm :) The mothers are fine and will be getting put in the ground here soon. I wasn't convinced that the Trin Scorp or Bhut could use what base systems last years frost left them with, so once I had enough of a growth tip for each, I took cuttings and started all over. Sometimes ya gotta know when to let go. But the genetics are alive and strong, as well as some very healthy seedlings from isolated flowers last year. Im running a couple weeks behind due to my trip, but I will be getting my arse in gear here over the next week! Stay tuned for the glog. Cheers!
Let me know where your restaurant is in Thailand, i might hit you up in the near future :)

All the best and cant wait to see the mothers progress.
Only thing I can say so far is WOW!
I had to skip ahead (from page 6, to the end!)...but will thoroughly read all again, and again, and AGAIN!

Honestly this thread should be a STICKY (if not already!!!)

So, I am origanilly an orchid grower...my wife is from Indonesia (BEAUTIFUL place to visit!). It was her that got me going on growing Chili Peppers, since most of my orchids have very specific growing conditions. I looked at a few other kinds of plants to grow, and it seemed natural to want to grow Chilies (plus we both like chilies and spicy foods!).
Due to my orchid growing, I have learned how to clone, propagate from seed (and orchid seed propagation is NOT easy). My "know-how on orchid cultivation is good, but my cultinvation for anything else is NONEXISTANT...
I have been reading, watching any and all vidoes I can get online or from the library.
This thread has covered so much for me, and as it was said earlier by PG (even before I read this thread and watched the videos he posted). Why don't more growers do the clone/mother road.
As the plant gets older it is MUCH better overall plant and producer.
There are a few questions on more details I would like to know, like:
  1. Fertilizers. Since I grow on an apartment balcony...chemical seems only route at this time. What would be a good NPK ratio. I am using a MSU Orchid Fertiilizer at the moment (Rain Water/RO 13-3-15 with Ca & Mg at 1/4-1/2 strength). Only using it because I haven't learned enough about what vegetables andf in particular Chilies require as a fertilizer. So many opinions on this subject alone!
  2. To confirm, when you cut back the mother, you remove ALL the leaves? When you clone, you remove 60% of the leaf?
  3. I live in Southern Ontario, Canada, and the weather here is very humid and hot (last year we had a few days with weather over 100 Fahrenheit! Is this to much for peppers or just in the comfort zone for optimal growing?
  4. Watering, SO MUCH DIFFERENT than orchid watering!!! Keep moist, wet or let them dry out a bit between watering? Very important info for me. Right now I am keeping them moist+.
  5. How do you dry out the pods for seed cultivation, I have bought a variety of pods from local grocery stores, some are matur some not...

Thanks again for ALL the info PG! VERY immpressive info!!
Just need to find Fatalii, Bhut Jolokia, Trinadad Scorpion seeds and I am set!
Hope this season is FANTASTIC for you and everyone else.
This thread is pure gold. Guru inspired me to make the change from synthetics to Organic and do so in a inexpensive way.
I cant think of a thread that deserves a sticky more than this one.

Thanks Rich,
for pulling my head out of my ass for me and showing me the way it should be done! "Guru" is not an understatement.

If you just found this thread, look for his 2012 Glog to see the biggest brain strain EVER!
Thank god I subscribed to this. I got 2 emails for the replies and realized even though I posted. This is not in My Content. Well it will be back now. I just wonder how many things I didn't follow have disappeared from My Content.

ROCK the Hops Guru!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have my note pad ready and am ready to learn somethin!

I got the LMFO song "shots"in my head but I swapped out the word shots for HOPS


La lal la
lalallala EVERY BODY HOPS!!!