Flat top griddles

Alrighty then. Lets try typing the old fashioned way.
I got the Blackstone 36 Cookstation assembled a while ago. Ever 'thang was easy peazy and only took about 30 minutes. I probably coulda' done it faster but I dilly dally around a little extry to make sure I don't miss any 'thang. Once complete, I hooked up a tank and fired it up using the AA battery powered piezo start. Holy shit it actually works!!! Normally on such appliances I just leave them off and use a big lighter but no need. I was going to wash off the thin coating of oil the griddle came with but decided to just burn it off and then add some cooking oil to start the seasoning process. Hear me now, 'bleed me later, this 'thang gets HOT in a hurry. I had all the burners turned on but only at a low setting and the griddle started to smoked nicely. I let that go for a while, then wiped it down with some paper towels and splooged it with some more oil and smeared it around. In contrast to my old gas grill, this 'thang went from stone cold to seasoning smoke goodness in less time than the other grill took to get up to temp to cook on.

You can see the magic wafting off the top.

The only negative I see thus far is that the grease trough is woefully shallow and inadequate and most complaints center around that and how it drips into the catch pan. I ain't worried as I cook with much less oil than most people and I can adapt. I've spent almost 2 years wringing my hands about this griddle and whether I should pull the trigger on it and as of now, without even having cooked on it yet, I am more than impressed and can already ascertain that this is most likely the best money I've ever dropped on an outdoor appliance. I've just recently gotten rid of my old gas grill and my UDS as they were just collecting dust but I can see this new griddle getting a workout several times a week. I still have my little lodge CI hibachi for when I want something over charcoal and for that its all I need. And should I want a more portable griddle I have a cast iron top that fits perfectly on the hibachi for fishing trips and such.
Right now I am just ecstatic and can't wait to get a few hoskey's deep this evening and crank up Big Betty with some smash sliders. Beers are chillin' and I got 2 full tanks of LP gas. 
Oh hell yeah!!!
Oh shit!!! I will mail you a twelver of any flavor of your choice if you make a Beth's style 12 egg omelette with all the fixins and post that shiz up!!! I mean sometime after you chrissin that thing with sliders of course. 'Big Betty' perfect! (Of course). She a beauty TB. Glad you finally got it. I can't wait to see you two make some grub together. LOL

And what's this bidniss I hear you got rid of your UDS??? The one you made???

No. It can't be.

And I still like the double spaces.

Easier to read for true.
Scoville DeVille said:
Oh shit!!! I will mail you a twelver of any flavor of your choice if you make a Beth's style 12 egg omelette with all the fixins and post that shiz up!!! I mean sometime after you chrissin that thing with sliders of course. 'Big Betty' perfect! (Of course). She a beauty TB. Glad you finally got it. I can't wait to see you two make some grub together. LOL

And what's this bidniss I hear you got rid of your UDS??? The one you made???

No. It can't be.

And I still like the double spaces.

Easier to read for true.
Sadly the UDS went the way of the caveman and the white buffalo.
But it went to a good home and will be used often!
Affirmative on the double spaces as it took me forever to post and reread.
Double spacing just works so much better for me with my poor broke down tired old ass.
I'll post slider results in the Burgers Hell Yeah thread manaa but will do a lead off here in this one.
I say manana because like BigB, I too use PhotoPhukiet and get booted off uploading every other pic.
Great name beautiful flat top brother!!!! My jeep is named betty after my grandmother helped me buy it when I was 16 :). Dreaming about the monster breakfast I could make on that bad boy!!!!
once I assemble the kamado kooker, I'm planning to use the weber kettle primarily setup as wfo for pizza (+ outdoor griddle for smashburgers, searing/blackening) ...


i think that'll be a nice combo ...
Much obliged Siccy.
After using it only one time Ima' certified crack ho for the 'thang.
Tonight I'm aimin' to get better pics using some professional lighting.
Got my Makita lamp on the charger now.  :rofl:
Just unsure about what kind of steel I'm using here. All I know its super heavy and it was bought to make a firebox. How would I keep it from rusting? I would love to buy a flat top like TB but people be broke these days, so I gotta get creative.
Got it set up and so far I'm happy, the steel plate is even slightly concaved. Not Bad considering it cost me nada for the burner or plate. I put vegatable oil like Grant said and its been on for an hour. I'll do this a couple times before trying to cook and hopefully show you guys something good soon.
Grassy Snake Boots,

I would like to see a tape measure all up in that shiz. If that aint no 1/2" steel, I'll eat my other shoe. Maybey 3/8" but I"ll throw my underwear in my breakfast cereal if that's 1/4".

DisclImer: I may or may not be seeing double. :drunk:

1/4" X 2 = 1/2" (btw) hahahahahhahahaha