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Datil Pepper Relish

I'm partial to Datil peppers. You can hardly go into a local store in Northern Florida without finding them when in season.

This is a recipe I got from the net, but it works great and would probably work for almost any pepper type.

I'd love to hear from anyone who tries this with something other than Datils.


Datil Pepper Relish

Chop Fine:
1/2 cup seeded Datil peppers.
1 medium onion
1 medium bell pepper
2 cloves garlic

In a LARGE pot, mix:
1 pint of cider vinegar
1 pint ketchup
3 Tablespoons of sugar
1 Teaspoon of salt

Blend well and add the chopped ingredients

Bring to a boil while stirring gently

Simmer as low as possible for about 40-45 minutes until thickened

Reduces to about 1/3 to 1/2 when thick enough.

Wear gloves while cutting peppers and removing seeds. Safety glasses also. A seed in the eye will cost a lot of money at the hospital.

Boil jars and add hot mix to the shoulder of the jar.

Keep in cool, dark place or in refrigerator.
seeing as my datils have germinated i will enjoy trying this intresting combo in months to come,many thx for that :)
I can't wait to try this recipe since I'm growing some and have never tried them before. Now you've got me excited...:) I love trying out new recipies...
I will be sure to let you know...However, since my Datil peppers are only about 3 - 4 inches tall, it will take awhile for me to get to try out this recipe :(
NatGreenMeds said:
Are you growing them inside or out?

I have 4 outside plants on thier second year. I'm not too impressed with their growth so far. Not enough new branching. I'm feeding them a pretty strong mix of nitrogen to promote vegetative growth, but they seem to be taking their time doing it.

The weather has been weird this year. It was down in the 40's just a week ago, so I think perhaps that is what is making them start slow. It's up in the low 80's every day now, so hopefully the growth will start getting faster soon.

Right now they are inside. I have 7 plants and they will all go in the ground around Memorial Day. They seem to be growing up okay. I'll post some pictures tomorrow.
I was looking for the recipe too...dangit...I got 9 or 10 Datils that are flourishing...probably 15" tall
I now wish that I copied the recipe down. The quick version is that NatGreenMeds got very upset over something that Chilihunter said and in a rushed decision, NatgreenMeds deleted all of his posts. Its a bummer too, this was a great sounding recipe......
I will PM nat and ask him to post it again....maybe he will..
I pm'ed him after I saw it --- I printed it... I'll look for it at home I can post it or if Nat doesnt want it up I can pm it.. I came in just to read it again.

Too bad though I was really looking forward to making this
cool LD...thanks man...