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harvesting AJs 14th Harvest 09-07-08


Left to Right:
Top Row: NuMex Pinata, Jalapeno Gigante, Israeli Red, Serrano, Poblano, Big Jim
Second Row: Ring Of Fire Cayenne, Mesilla Cayenne, Super Cayenne II Hybrid, Long Red Slim Pepper, Long Red Slim Cayenne, Big Chile
Third Row: Pasillo Bajio, Anaheim, Jamaican Hot Yellow, Jamaican Hot Red, Hungarian Wax
Fourth Row: Franks Hot Sweet, Pepperoncini, Tobago Seasoning (yellow), Tobago Seasoning (Red), Trinidad Perfume


It seems my nutrient regimen is lacking in some sort or the other...my fruit has been small all year...maybe need more phosphorus?

I can't get over how the weather cooling off has had so much of a positive effect on my plants...all of them are loaded with baby fruit...I have 9 7 Pot plants and about 13 Trinidad Scorpions that are setting fruit hourly... :lol:

The Dorset Nagas (Potawie) and Bhut Jolokias (NMSU) are both flowering and setting a few fruit also...Chocolate habs loaded with pods...what I bought off Ebay as a Dorset Naga is absolutely loaded too...whats funny is I have 7 Datil plants and only now am I seeing a very few fruit set....

my Naga Morich may not set fruit again....pout...

time to get the dehydrator running...
Good grief, AJ. You must be in the bushels range by now! And measuring powder in the pounds range. What do you plan to do with all of it?

wordwiz said:
Good grief, AJ. You must be in the bushels range by now! And measuring powder in the pounds range. What do you plan to do with all of it?


got a bunch of bags of dried peppers not powdered yet...I will just dehydrate most of them right now and use them as I need them over the winter...

I have some friends that are CASI cooks and I am going to try and get them to make their own powder instead of using ready made chili powder...at least that is what I am planning...hope I can get them to grow their own next year...
Tasty looking pods all around AJ. You mentioned something about fruit being on the small size and everytime that has happen to me it is because the soil is not loose enough. Maybe add some more perlite and peat moss into your mix next year.
thanks PRF...I will have to do that...
AlabamaJack said:
I have some friends that are CASI cooks and I am going to try and get them to make their own powder instead of using ready made chili powder...at least that is what I am planning...hope I can get them to grow their own next year...

And you will sell them the plants to do just that, correct! ;)

I really hope I can find someplace to sell plants next year. I figure I have the room and will have the lights to sow about 800 of them (counting toms, peppers - hot and bell, eggplants, zuchinni, squash and a couple of others).

there is a method to my madness sometimes... :lol:
How many of the Frank's Hot/sweet do you have? I grew only one this year and I wish I had 3 or 4 of them!

You live and learn.
I've got 4 of them and they are absolutely delicious...

not much heat but a thick fleshed pepper that is outstanding when stuffed and baked...
your harvests look great, & 14th harvest :shocked::cool:
I was looking at the picture & matching up the names before reading on, & thought some of'em were to small but you also stated that after the picture. I hope you get that all worked out for next season for a even better season :)

it doesnt hurt to have monster crops one year so you can kickback & deal with less plants next season or try other chiles & not worry about running out of chile spices or hot sauce.

I have a question for you, what are you planning to do with your ripe "purple tiger" pods ? you gonna use them or throw them away ?
Great looking harvest AJ. My Dehydrator has been running almost none stop for almost 2 months now, as I'm sure your's has too. :) Gotta love the Excalibur.
Thanks all...I have been harvesting weekly since the last week of May or first week of June. If mother nature cooperates, I should have about 7-8 more harvests before the season is over. The only chinense that has been producing a bunch of pods is my second year Orange Hab.

chilehunter said:
I have a question for you, what are you planning to do with your ripe "purple tiger" pods ? you gonna use them or throw them away ?

I am letting the pods ripen fully on the plant, then picking them to air dry...I am going to save the seeds for next season. I plan on having a bunch of these in the flower bed in front of the house. Of course, there will be plenty of seeds for trade and/or gifts too. ;)

skealo said:
AJ - How is the Trinidad perfume?

It is another seasoning pepper with not much heat at all if any. I may not grow these next year since I have the Tobago seasonings. It has not been a very good producer for me yet.
once again great harvest AJ
the chile powder idea is great
I have been thinking about making
my own chile powder using big jims
jalapeno tams but I am missing a 3rd
type maybe a standered Jalapeno for
a lil heat