Search results

  1. Robisburning

    pests Pest or Beneficial

    Seem to have a few Psyllids hanging about.  Where ever they are these have appeared in good numbers so I am hoping they are on my side.  Is it a hoverfly?      
  2. Robisburning

    health Can anyone identify these spots

    They are on a cayenne which is one of a few plants I didn't start.  The plant has only been in the ground for a few weeks.  It is growing well but I have just noticed these spots. They are limited mainly to the growing tips and not on all tips universally.  The plant is doing well otherwise.  ...
  3. Robisburning

    Kiwi Grow Off - Heaviest weight of pods off a single plant

    Based on the tallest plant grow off which was great to watch...   Time period: 1 July 2015 - 30 June 2016 Rules: Any grow technique, any medium.  Only real rule is must use the same seed stock as other growers - Swampys Dorset Naga Seeds Can grow multiple specimens and then nominate which one is...
  4. Robisburning

    Glog of small things - Now with pods

    Last year was a pretty mixed bag.  I hope to put what I learned into practice.  I have a few over winters in my corner like this chap:   Red Jonah   I also have around 100 new starts this year:   Pubes and bhuts   Scorpions, 7 Pods and Reapers   Some annuums, not very exciting at this stage...
  5. Robisburning

    Danger - Dog owners who compost

    I just wanted to warn everyone about my recent experience with dogs getting into compost. Yesterday I noticed one of my compost bins was a bit dry so decided to empty both bins and restack them mixing in a few new choice kitchen scraps. While wheelbarrowing the compost between both sites both my...
  6. Robisburning

    Pasilla Bajio

    I have a crop of about 20 of these, around 10" long and brown.  I tasted one and it is sweet with no heat much as expected.  I have read these are good in chili con carne and provide a smokey flavor.  That sounds great but eating them fresh provided a slightly earthy sweet taste, no smokiness at...
  7. Robisburning

    soil Soil Science - Rock Dust, the debate

    I read the information recently provided by Proud Marine Dad, thank you.  I found it so compelling I was searching for a source of Rock dust when I stumbled across another information source with a scientific breakdown of the value of Rockdust...
  8. Robisburning

    Growing in Orchid Bark/Mix

    I have noticed the hot peppers I get from say a garden store are always really healthy and vigorous looking.  I suspect they are probably foliar fed but also noticed that they are in a very bark rich medium,  I looked around and found an orchid mix that seems to fit the bill:  ...
  9. Robisburning

    pod Round pods, erect, weird

    I purchased a "Bhut Jolokia" from a garden store at a hardware centre.  Before we left the store I had my doubts but thought it was worth a whirl.  What has grown is unlike any of my other peppers:     Here is one of the pod coming ripe:     I understand this is not a Bhut. I have a couple of...
  10. Robisburning

    7 Pod Yellow - Root bound

    I found a 7 Pod Yellow at a local garden store.  It is way to big for its pot and will be severely root bound.  I went though this recently with some Bell peppers and my usual practice of trying to break up the root ball was just not effective. Having been planted in the garden  they are not...
  11. Robisburning

    Is this a black naga

    I would have thought they would start green and turn dark brown.  Mine are pretty much purple now, in full sun, still young pods.  This isn't my photo but I stumbled across it researching whether mine were genuine black naga.  I now wonder if Megamoo and I got our seeds from the same place  ...
  12. Robisburning

    Older Leaves Yellowing - Looking for some advice

    I have raised around 100 seedlings and just planted some into a new garden bed 2 weeks ago.  The older leaves were quite yellow when plants were transplanted while the newer growth is a nice dark green.  I thought it might have been a magnesium deficiency so a spread some epsom salts on the...
  13. Robisburning

    video Video of two guys suffering - the funniest I have seen

    Spicy Interviews   It is funny but there is some kinda rough language so if you are a child or sensitive to profanity it might be best to avoid.
  14. Robisburning

    overwintering Overwintering - What survives outdoors by variety

    I overwintered a few plants indoors but I also left a few outside in the ground. My experience is the following survives largely unscathed:   Anaheim   These dropped many leaves but stayed green with slight foliage:   Cayenne Fatalii Jalapeno   The following died:   Hungarian Hot Wax Trinidad...
  15. Robisburning

    misc Hot Pepper Production Manual

    I just stumbled across this today and am very impressed with the content.  It is aimed at the volume production farmers in Trinidad and Tobago.  While that might not sound very applicable I think some of it will pertain to every hot pepper home grower.  ...
  16. Robisburning

    seeds Seedlings started for October planting

    So I am fairly inexperienced but happy with the progress.  The images are quite poor so apologies for that. [img][img] [img][img]...
  17. Robisburning

    Order for starting species

    I have most of my Chinense's underway for plant out 1st October.  I can only germinate so many at a time so need to make a decision about which order to do the remaining ones in.  Remaining seeds are Annuums, Frutescens and Baccatums.  Essentially my question is which will take the longest to...
  18. Robisburning

    seeds Problems germinating king nagas and sunrise scorpions

    I have probably germinated about 15 varieties of super hot in preparation for a plant out in 10 weeks.  I am germination on damp tissue on my hot water cylinder ~25c.  Somethings are germinating as soon as 5 days with most probably taking 10-14days.  The sunrise and king naga just won't do...
  19. Robisburning

    media Jiffy 7's - need fertilizing?

    I am sprouting on tissue and transferring to Jiffy-7's.  Once seedlings get about 3 proper leave pairs I transplant to around a 10oz cup.  I hope to keep them in these until plant out in about 10 weeks.  Everything seems to be going well.  My question is whether other jiffy-7 users are liquid...
  20. Robisburning

    Importing Wild Seeds in New Zealand

    I recently had a shipment stopped by the Ministry for Primary Industries inbound from the USA. I had about 15 pepper varieties coming in of which they nabbed 3, the c.galapagoenese, c.praetermissum (Cumari Pollux) and c.sp (Blue Mystery) - they sent a letter to inform me.  All domestic peppers...