Recent content by Steve973

  1. Steve973

    pests Stink Bugs Suck!

    This year, I am finally having a spectacular pepper growing year. That is, except for an extremely annoying infestation of stink bugs. Garden Safe pesticide spray works pretty well for the bugs that I can spray, but it's hard to go over the plants well enough to hit both sides of each and...
  2. Steve973

    Naga Morich are my Favs so far

    I agree with you. I do enjoy the fatalii, but it is a bit pungent in flavor. It is one of my favorite burns, though, without a doubt. I thought that the flavor of the naga morich was very nice, yet mild. I recommend that everyone grows these, since they are easy and super prolific compared...
  3. Steve973

    Tried my first Naga!

    This week, I sampled a quarter of the first ripe dorset naga pepper that one of my plants produced. I only had a quarter of it because of two reasons: I didn't know what to expect, and I was sharing it with three other guys in my office. The flavor was relatively mild, as far as my experience...
  4. Steve973

    Growth Update (18 July 2010)

    A little closer so that you can see some of the dorset naga pods beginning to grow:
  5. Steve973

    Growth Update (18 July 2010)

    Yeah, even though we have had some blistering heat in the past month, the dorsets are putting out a huge number of flowers, and even though some have definitely dropped, there are a nice number of pods on one of the two plants. It looks like I'm not going to be able to "ease" into my heat...
  6. Steve973

    Growth Update (18 July 2010)

    Dorset 1: Dorset 2: Venezuelan Sweet Habanero: Fatalii 1: Fatalii 2: Datil (Still with leaf curl somehow!): Compare to the photos of my previous thread from 3 days short of a month ago.
  7. Steve973

    My Chiles 2010

    Here's some perspective of the size of the leaves on the Venezuelan Sweet Habanero. Is this typical?
  8. Steve973

    Oh Sad day!

    The leaf minErs are not underage (they aren't "minors")!
  9. Steve973

    My Chiles 2010

    Last year, I used Pro-Mix BX with some organic fertilizer mixed in, but I am pretty sure that I had calcium issues. I hope that the Quoddy blend lobster compost fixes that issue this year. So far, the plants are greener, so that's a good sign. I didn't mention it, but sometimes I also add a...
  10. Steve973

    My Chiles 2010

    Here are the peppers that I am growing in 32 quart, 16" pots on my deck. I am using Happy Frog organic potting mix and lobster compost. I use a foliar spray of epsom salt every other week and I water with organic fish fertilizer every other week (alternating with the epsom salt). Datil (I...
  11. Steve973

    beer Home Brew

    Your beers look great, Tony!
  12. Steve973

    beer My First Homebrew

    Gonzo, "more available fermentable sugar means higher alcohol" is the short answer. It may be as simple as adding more malt extract or dextrose or even sucrose to your wort. However, that doesn't mean that you will achieve the drinkability that you want, or that your yeast will handle whatever...
  13. Steve973

    beer Home Brew

    Paulky, you really can't make beer! You can only provide the right conditions, and the beer makes itself. And while this happens, the universe remains surprisingly stable.
  14. Steve973

    beer Home Brew

    Stout is definitely not any more informal than any of the other synonyms.
  15. Steve973

    baking First Cracker Style Pizza w/ Pics

    I definitely cook all of my NY style pizzas on a stone, but I don't know if this kind would be very well suited for that method of cooking. Who knows, though? I might give it a try sometime. I'm going to be cooking a couple of these tomorrow since my cutter pans arrived today. I'll post...