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pests Stink Bugs Suck!

This year, I am finally having a spectacular pepper growing year. That is, except for an extremely annoying infestation of stink bugs. Garden Safe pesticide spray works pretty well for the bugs that I can spray, but it's hard to go over the plants well enough to hit both sides of each and every leaf to ensure that I cover every bug and egg. At first, I thought the hatchlings were ladybug larvae, but I couldn't have been more wrong. Now, most of my Nagas (and the others) have discolored spots from these bugs sucking the juice out of them. And it only seems like the insecticide is a means of controlling them a little bit, rather than a solution for eliminating the problem. Furthermore, the spray seems to take a whole day to make them die, and not that I'm trying to be sensitive to their needs ;) , but it would be more humane to have something kill them much more quickly, but without pesticide-laden fruits that I'll eventually be eating. Has anyone had good success with these things?
this has been infesting my plants lately. we call them locally singsing pari. (priest's ring), it's called that because it rolls up into a ring when it gets touched.


dunno if they're really bad for my plants but they're everywhere.

also got other creepy crawlies like caterpillars, aphids, whiteflies flying about.

stink bugs too. but not a lot of it.

sprayed some hardcore chemical insecticide around my plants and not onto my plants. hoping that'll be enough to keep 'em away.

I'm dealing with a re-infestation of cucumber beetles and leaf curler moth larvae..... It's a never ending battle

we have something like this that looks similar, only brown. about 1.5cm, found and and crushed it with a branch. almost felt bad for it since i left it still crawling around with a crushed thorax. lol.
well, you're not too far from me in Fairfax VA, and the stink bug infestation this year is of epic proportions. We've got the brown ones (formally known as the Brown Marmorated Stink Bug). Their juice-sucking ways have left about half of my habs inedible or, at best, edible but unappealing. Strangely, they haven't really gone after my non-Chinenses with any conviction. Last year it was all about the thick-fleshed sweet peppers for them.

There's not a lot you can do. They're too prolific and ravenous to beat back with insecticide. You kill a bunch, and then they just launch the next wave. So I went low-tech a couple of weeks ago and did this:


yes, it's time consuming and a PITA, but it has had about a 60 % success rate so far, meaning that roughly 3 out of every 5 pods that I bagged have been damage-free since. I think the stink bugs can still get to the pods if they really want to, but it's just too much work so they often (but not always) move on to something else. However, I've recently been experimenting with double-bagging the pods, and that has so far had a 100 % success rate.

we have something like this that looks similar, only brown. about 1.5cm, found and and crushed it with a branch. almost felt bad for it since i left it still crawling around with a crushed thorax. lol.
We also have the Consperse Stink Bug and Harlequin Bug. They're brown and EVIL!!! But we also have the Spined Soldier Bug which closely resembles a Stink Bug but is a good predator.......
me want more predators. i just found out we got termites in the garden. this sucks. things just got more complicated for me this season.