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Okay. I told one in another thread and I thought it would be funny to hear other people's confessions. We've all done something that is embarrassing to tell, but as a fat kid you just couldn't help it.

Mine was that most times when I eat prime rib I will cut up the juicy soft fat and eat it along with a bite of the meat.

Gross? Yes, but delicious. I know I'm not the only one.

Or another I've thought of was that I got an butter pecan waffle cone on my way home one day, and I didn't tell my wife because she would have been mad I didn't get her something. Well, later when she took the kids to swim practice she called on the way home and said they were picking up ice cream. Did I want any? Uh, yeah. I'll take a butter pecan waffle cone lol.

Let's hear yours!
I have no ability to resist over-eating peanut butter pie ...
You will almost never see peanut butter pie, because I disallow myself almost completely ...
I also absolutely fucking adore fettucine alfredo ... and do not allow myself to have it more than once every few years ...
My dude took me out for a nice dinner at a decent Italian restaurant a few months back.  I finished off the bread and garlic spread, my share of the appetizer and my entree, and then suggested we go to a different bar for an after dinner drink... that bar served giant pieces pizza by the slice... I had one... and then on the walk home stopped by walgreens for a pint of ice cream and made a milkshake when I got home.
I also eat whole pizzas by myself and used to take frozen pizzas and sandwich them together before I threw them in the oven... 
Sometimes I can be a bottomless pit... especially when there is pizza involved. 
My wife keeps getting upset with me.  We will buy like 6 tubs of ice cream.  A week and a half later, she will finally be in the mood for a bowl and will realize I finished them all off by myself.  There may have been a couple occasions over the last 6 months where I ate an entire quart container in one sitting. 
I have a serious weakness for dairy.  I crave it at night for some reason.  I feel like I have a vitamin D deficiency or something but nothing shows up on any tests.  Its impossible for me to get to sleep without a bowl of cereal or a bowl of ice cream right before bed...
Rawkstah said:
My dude took me out for a nice dinner at a decent Italian restaurant a few months back.  I finished off the bread and garlic spread, my share of the appetizer and my entree, and then suggested we go to a different bar for an after dinner drink... that bar served giant pieces pizza by the slice... I had one... and then on the walk home stopped by walgreens for a pint of ice cream and made a milkshake when I got home.
I also eat whole pizzas by myself and used to take frozen pizzas and sandwich them together before I threw them in the oven... 
Sometimes I can be a bottomless pit... especially when there is pizza involved. 
Lol I've had similar experiences.

I love the responses.
grantmichaels said:
This makes so much sense. It's impossible to stop nibbling on cheese when it's all cut up sitting there.
:cheers: ya'll








I love all baked goods especially cake.  I can eat an entire 13 x 9 cake all by myself in a pretty short period of time.  Over the Thanksgiving holiday I ate an entire Costco  caramel apple pie by myself in about 16 hours....man that thing was good. 
Last Thursday I stopped at a bakery to get a slice of carrot cake and some macarons on my way home from the doctor (of all things).  I paid with cash so that my wife would not know that I went there. That  following Saturday my wife said she had a hankering for some macarons and we went to the same bakery and got a box along with a slice of carrot cake.  Am I going to hell?  :think: