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movies Movies, Movies, and More Movies

imaguitargod said:
And at the end her casket get's knocked over, spilling her bones and melted flesh everwhere because of the acid treatment.....blaaghhh!

Thank's for the spoiler, nOOb. :mouthonfire:

Brazil is in my top ten favorite films of all time. Great movie.

The best movie I've seen this year is Pan's Labyrinth. It's just amazing on several levels. I was a big fan of Del Toro's work but this puts him in a whole new category.

THE DEPARTED just arrived in my mailbox today via netflix. I'm pretty excited about seeing it since I missed it at the theatre. I love Scorsese.
can't say i know anything about dream girls...from the sound of it there are some fine looking ladies..but thats all i can really say. :rolleyes:
chuk hell said:
I am a total movie geek. I am ready to atalk all kinds of movie jive!

Bring it on.

My Favorite director is Alejandro Jodorowsky..so chew on that.

I like your taste in movies...he's one of my favourites as well:cool: