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movies Movies, Movies, and More Movies

Let's talk movies. I used to be called "Jon 'The Movie Man' " when I did work for Ainti it cool news and Dark Horizons and submitted almost all the up coming movie gossup. Now, I still keep up on the upcoming movie stuff but generally stick to Sci-Fi. Let's get this thread rolling with all talks of Drama, Sci-Fi, Comedy, and others.

P.S. The Big Libowski rocks!
I am a total movie geek. I am ready to atalk all kinds of movie jive!

Bring it on.

My Favorite director is Alejandro Jodorowsky..so chew on that.
I don't know if you guys get the tv show Trailer Park Boys, but the movie is out now and looks awesome. Good Canadian humour.
I don't know if you guys get the tv show Trailer Park Boys, but the movie is out now and looks awesome. Good Canadian humour.

have all the seasons they have released on dvd.

one night a few years back my friend showed me the show, oh man that is so funny.

my favorite was when cyrus has that pistol, and he says, i carry my 9mm, saftey.....always off.

there is so many good funny things in that show. especially all of the stuff bubbles does.

i would def second this that you should watch that show, very good stuff!
getting redy to go and see the new superman movie at the 2 dollar theater. i hate to say it but i realy love the boom of super hero movies. spidey...batman...superman...ect.
Top 5 movies I've seen in the last 6 months

The Machinist
The Matador
Walk the Line
V for Vendetta

and nothing jumps as #5...oh well...top 4 I guess.
darthcarl said:
Top 5 movies I've seen in the last 6 months

The Machinist
The Matador
Walk the Line
V for Vendetta

and nothing jumps as #5...oh well...top 4 I guess.

The Machinist had a tour de force performance by Christian Bale; starving himself down to a walking skeleon. Good movie. Creepy and claustraphobic.

Walk the Line was better than I expected it to be ( I'm a huge Cash fan) and I was impressed by the vocal performances of the two leads.

V for Vendetta was OK. I have not read all of the comics but the movie seemed just a little too talky. I did enjoy the scenes where the 1812 Overture was playing....:(

haven't seen The Matador yet.
thehotpepper.com said:
It'd be hard for me to pick a favorite film or director, but directors that rank up there are Billy Wilder and Jim Jarmusch, to name just two.

Yeah, I like Wilder too although i've only seen 5 or 6 of his films. I just saw DOUBLE INDEMNITY for the first time recently after getting the new dvd release and yes, I would say it deserves it's reputation for being one of the all-time great noirs. My favorite Wilder film remains SUNSET BLVD. I've heard ACE IN THE HOLE is amazing as well. Of course his 2 movies with Marilyn Monroe are delightful.

Jarmusch I enjoy as well. I really, REALLY liked DEAD MAN...great cast and great B&W photography. I thought GHOSTDOG was pretty good too. ( can't wait to see ForresT Whitaker as Idi Amin in LAST KING OF SCOTLAND !!) I think my fav. Jarmusch flick is DOWN BY LAW with that great cast of Waits, Lurie and Beningi.
Well, my friends still think i'm nuts because of my taste for campy "B" horror flicks and my lust for anything David Lynch does.
I'm in the Sci-fi/ superhero camp as well. Big fan of the Michael Keaton Batman, not so much the Kilmer, and certainly not the Clooney. However, Batman Begins is, IMHO, a masterpiece. Spot on.

Spidey 3 eagerly awaited. Haven't seen Superman remake yet. Strikes me as being a cross between Chris Reeves and Smallville, know what I mean?

Also a wee bit of "character horror": The Crow, Interview With The Vampire. Bit of comedy: Mystery Men, Gross Point Blanc. And art house stuff like Amelie and Lost In Translation. LOVED those films, esp LIT.

Yeah, OK, I'm a film nerd really. Who else noticed that Keifer Sutherland was going up, up, up, from lost boys to flat liners to young guns to young guns 2, and then... *POW!* dumps julia roberts, and no one hears from him till 24 begins.

Odd, innit? Conspiracy, right there. See it?
Shooty* said:
Yeah, OK, I'm a film nerd really. Who else noticed that Keifer Sutherland was going up, up, up, from lost boys to flat liners to young guns to young guns 2, and then... *POW!* dumps julia roberts, and no one hears from him till 24 begins.

Odd, innit? Conspiracy, right there. See it?

What about Dark City and Freeway? He was great in those.
chuk hell said:
Yeah, I like Wilder too although i've only seen 5 or 6 of his films. I just saw DOUBLE INDEMNITY for the first time recently after getting the new dvd release and yes, I would say it deserves it's reputation for being one of the all-time great noirs. My favorite Wilder film remains SUNSET BLVD. I've heard ACE IN THE HOLE is amazing as well. Of course his 2 movies with Marilyn Monroe are delightful.

Jarmusch I enjoy as well. I really, REALLY liked DEAD MAN...great cast and great B&W photography. I thought GHOSTDOG was pretty good too. ( can't wait to see ForresT Whitaker as Idi Amin in LAST KING OF SCOTLAND !!) I think my fav. Jarmusch flick is DOWN BY LAW with that great cast of Waits, Lurie and Beningi.

Yeah, Sunset is awesome! See The Lost Weekend, I think you'll like it. Awesome Wilder flick.
Hmmmmph. Yep, OK, so he was in a COUPLE of stuff after stiffing Julia. But it wasn't a major upwards trend in his career, who what I mean?

And can I also just voice my appreciation of Team America: World Police as extremely funny, if not a little prophetic.

"Do you have any idea how f**king busy I am?"

COME ON! How come mention of Team America kills the thread?