yield Looking for small prolific pepper in the 500-3000 range

thanks for the link JDFan , seems like it will be my only option, after some research i can see that most business dont ship live plants up here ;) 
Berzerker said:
thanks for the link JDFan , seems like it will be my only option, after some research i can see that most business dont ship live plants up here ;)
DO any of the home improvement stores or large retailers there sell live plants in season ? --- Unfortunately Customs makes it pretty much impossible to send them across the border due to various diseases/insects that might come along for the ride so not much can be mailed but maybe some company up there carries them.
Wow no joke that looks to be right at the North American tree line. Still, July and August look like nice months to be up there!
Good luck on your search!
If it's not too late, I'd suggest googling biquinho. Brazilian, around 1000 SHU, small red or yellow peppers, the plant gets to be about 20 inches tall. The seeds are easily found on the Internet.