• This is the place to discuss all spicy commerical products, not just sauce!

snack-food Do Not Eat This Chocolate!


I had the opportunity to sample this today:


This is the second pepper chocolate I have tried, the first being Lindtt. The Lindtt was far too mild to be fun, but hey, chocolate is chocolate.

This on the other hand, was awesome! If you can't make out the label, the company is called Lillie Belle. The chocolate ingredients (dark and milk chocolate) are organic, and the chili peppers are listed as "ghost, aji amarillos, and arbole."

I would love to have had the entire bar. For the average person, the label is fitting. For a pepper head, it's not that hot -- but it tastes fantastic.
Sometimes I wonder why so American made chilli products have names like "Bitch Slap", "Ass Ripper", or "Ultimate Death". Personally I don't want products with flaming skulls and guys sitting on toilets on the labels of food products in my cupboard.
Sometimes I wonder why so American made chilli products have names like "Bitch Slap", "Ass Ripper", or "Ultimate Death". Personally I don't want products with flaming skulls and guys sitting on toilets on the labels of food products in my cupboard.

Stop putting gravy on french fries and we might listen to you...
Actually I agree with you. I can do without so much profanity and coarseness. When a product uses labeling as a gimmick I don't buy the product because the food isn't the selling point.

Can you name 10 Canadian products? Can you name 3? 2?
Stop putting gravy on french fries and we might listen to you...
Actually I agree with you. I can do without so much profanity and coarseness. When a product uses labeling as a gimmick I don't buy the product because the food isn't the selling point.

Can you name 10 Canadian products? Can you name 3? 2?

Sam's Canadian Nuclear Inferno Hot Sauce

Golden Beaver

J.T. Pappy's Termigator Politically Incorrect Extra Hot Sauce

Acid Rain Hot Sauce

Grandma Shivji's Chili and Garlic Hot Sauce

Uncle Big's Killer Hot Sauce

La Hot Sauce

Pure Canadian Crude 500,000

Denzel's Gourmet Hot Sauces

Alberta Crude Hot Sauce
This product won THPA 2011. Good to see them getting some good reviews on here.