favorite Your Top 5 Favorite Peppers

My favorites to grow are often much different than my favorites for taste or production

My favorites to grow would include:

Sahuaro hybrid(Grows big quickly with tonnes of huge pods)
Chinese 5 color(Beautiful plants and pods)
Chinese 5 color X whippet's tail(Probably my favorite cross, but still a work in progress)
Bishop's crown(I love the looks of the plant and the pods)
Primo(Some of the wickedest looking pods ever)
Ají Amarillo was also fun to grow--put out pods like crazy, but late in the season.

Yeah, after how fast the sprouts started, I've been amazed at how long the pods take! I started late this year and haven't actually had any ripe amarillos yet, but there are a couple getting close.

My list is in flux because I've discovered a lot of new varieties this year, but at the moment I'd say:

Aji Limo Rojo
Cayenne (thick---not as hot, but OMG the flavor)
Thai "sun" (prik khi nu, the tiny bullet-shaped ones)

I use a lot of serranos and the pointy Thai peppers, but I generally prefer to buy those and save the garden space for stuff I can't reliably get at the store. I've had terrible luck with poblanos in the garden, so while it would be nice to be able to eat them fresh from the plant rather than store-bought, I'll probably give up on them next yet.

Can't believe I neglected the beloved Serrano!

one of my absolute favorites.
Serranos use to be one my favorites too then one day i made the mistake of buying some from WALMART, and they had the nastiest taste i ever tasted and completely ruined it for me, i have not ate one since then and its been almost 8 months or so... :snooty: so traumatized! One day i hope to eat them again...maybe
I have to go with, in order of preference (right now):
Red Brain Strain for the extra heat and the taste
Yellow Brain Strain, I found a few pods that had a very complex taste of both a yellow and red taste at the same time. They were VERY hot.
Bhut Jolokia my first super hot and has been my favorite for powder (until a few weeks ago, now I think I like the Red Brain powder better)They also produce piles of pods.
Yellow 7 pod a great yellow for taste and isn't as hot as the others above. They are good for just slicing and frying and don't burn as bad as these others. It also makes a real mello, but still hot, sauce.
Moruga Scorpion, great heat and good producer. Has a more consistant heat than the Butch Ts. Makes great hot sauce. Tom
My list is always changing as I try new (to me) peppers. So far, I would have to say:

Any Yellow 7
Dorset Naga
Silver_Surfer's Douglah x Chocolate Scoropion
Yellow Bell
I don't know if I can pick just 5; depends on what I'm looking for
Out of the ones that I've tried so far:
for flavor:
white hab
yellow bhut
joyners unknown chocolate
Caribbean Red hab

Morouga Scorpion
Naga Morich
Bhut jolokia (I just love that flavour, first chilli to make me really lose my mind)

Scotch bonnets (first pepper I ever had hotter than a jalapeño, I also managed to evacuate my building my dropping them in a hot wok)

Orange Habanero (love that tropical flavour)

Jalapeño (I love it on pizza and in sandwiches as well as jalapeño poppers!)

Cayenne (first pepper plant I ever had)
I don't know if I can pick just 5; depends on what I'm looking for
Out of the ones that I've tried so far:
for flavor:
white hab
yellow bhut
joyners unknown chocolate
Caribbean Red hab

Morouga Scorpion
Naga Morich
I hope that unknown chocolate and wine come back true in 2013. For heat and flavor it is in my tops for sure!
Top five to grow out of this seasons grow;
Yellow 7 brainstrains for their amazing flavor and amazing heat. Tropical banana scent with an amazing flavor. Awesome wrinkly pods with some having the prefect halfed two lob brain shape. I also got a red pheno from the yellow seeds and it produced the hottest most floral scented pods i have ever smelt/taste. Like a hot coal on your tongue!
Yellow 7 LRG because they were just awesome looking plants with pods that pointed to the sky until they got big enough that gravity made them hang down. And they have a great flavor with just the right heat for me to munch on with going into a panic like the brainstrain yels.
Choc bhut because the look awesome. Beautiful color and taste great with heat above all of the other reds in the ghost family. Definitely a favorite for flavor and yummy powder too. And as an added bonus, search for my post showing the cooler fall striping that they showed as they ripened. Visually amazing.
Jamaican hot chocolates! They turn that reddish brown purplish color and have a wonderful blood red flesh inside. Amazing flavor. A serious keeper. This is a four plant minimum! Im think six to eight next season.
Fifth place is a toss up between a few.
My only douglah to be brown is really good. I like the flavor a bit more than the choc bhuts. And they are a bit warmer too. I had a long bumpy pheno. Look foward to growing more next season. Have gotten more seeds from multiply sources to increase this chance. The ones that went red are good too. Like the flavor a bit more than the scorps and similar heat.
I also have a scotch bonnet variation. Little wide plants, only about two and a half foot tall max. Definitely a c.chinese. Tons of skwat little yellow pods, that have an amazing flavor and just the right amount of heat, mild to hottish. Great with so many food choices.
And a top flav ended up being an accidental cross. I planted seeds from last years giant marconis. They where in the middle of some hot jalapenos. This year one of the marconi plants made large hot pods, hotter that the jalapenos that pollenated it, with corking. Still had that sweet marconi flavor plus good heat. Nice thick crunchy walls. A joy to eat. Hope to continue that one and select from those traits.
I also had a mystery plant, that could have only been a red douglah or brown 7 from judy, that made little orange pods with a great flavor. Not a super... on the lower side of hot, but damn yummy. A flavor to eat fresh with about anything.
Already looking foward to next season, adding 23 more varieties. So ask me again next fall!
#1 : Chile de Monte green aka ( wild Tepin )
#2 : Trinidad Scorpion Moruga Blend
#3 : Chocolate Habanero
#4 : Bhut Jolokia Peach
#5 : Bahamian Goat Pepper

List is subject to change with out prior notice at anytime.