you know you've had a beer (or three) too many when...

you order dominos...

and the meat lovers arrives with triple jalepeno's... a prawn pizza arrives and is accompanied by..

a side of... chicken kickers...

and a side salad!!

then you et hte pizza and it actually tastes goood!!!

and.. the keyboard is sticky from pizza sauce..

OMFG... i think its time for bed :P
lol... no :high: for me... to many beers...

whats the saying?? grass n beer your in the clear.. beer and grass your on your ass.. i'd be well on my ass... and blowin TB chunks on the way... ewwwwww :P
I'd have to be pretty wasted to eat anything from Dominos. Maybe all those jalapenos would disguise the cardboard taste a bit
He said that no one delivers. I wasn't referring to the chain pizzerias. Perhaps some great NY or Chi- Town pizzeria will do.
pileiton said:
He said that no one delivers. I wasn't referring to the chain pizzerias. Perhaps some great NY or Chi- Town pizzeria will do.

Chicago "pizza"? You mean Chicago casserole. Thin crust all the way babeeeeeeeeee!
Most Chicago pizza is thin crust. I've mentioned this before that the host of Lydia's Italian Kitchen stated that Italy had that style of pizza before us.

Somehow we get all the blame for it. And Dan, don't insult our pizza, I didn't insult yours.

NOO Yawk!!!!!!
domino's is nasty... its just i burned he oven fries and was hungry :P checking out the mess this morning looks like we went through a case of beer between the two of us.. no wonder dominos was called in!