favorite You Favorite Red "Habanero"

Im in search of a really flavorfull and hopefully also sweet Red Habanero for next years grow. 
I like really strong chinense taste (floral and fruity) and sweetness. The more aroma the better.
Can you recommend a Red Habanero ?  Please no superhots, just Habaneros.
i Found some Types that could be interesting :
- Scotch Bonnet Safi
Antillais Carribbean Habanero
- Habanero Surinam Red
- Congo Red
But im open for any kind of good red Habanero.
jcw10tc said:
You had Antillais Carribbean Habanero in your research.  They are very good,  Not too hot, made an awesome smoked powder with these a few years ago, and one of the best looking pods ever, ripen to a perfect high gloss red and nice shape with no irregularities.  They have a good sweetness to them.
Do they have a mild or a strong chinense flavor?

Guatemalan Insanity Pepper said:
Galapagos Isabela Island red Habanero
good size, sweet flavor, mild for a Habanero 
Sounds interesting, do you know where i can get some seeds?
Zackorz said:
How do they taste? More Floral or Fruity, or more sweet or Chinense Aroma?
they have a slight sweetness and fruity flavor to them and not as floral as the orange had. Hands down my favorite are the chocolate habs.
Interesting that you started this topic... I was going to start the same topic a few weeks ago but got distracted with more research.
Anyway, I too am looking for an awesome red habanero type to grow next year. I had initiated a seed trade several months ago for some Antillais Caribbean Reds, but the seeds never arrived and the member has been absent here since with no reply to  pm (hope they are OK).
I grew Caribbean Red habs a few years ago and they are pretty good.
Last year I grew PI 585278 (Galapagos Island Large Red Habanero) and thought they were fantastic. Great flavor, thick walled, juicy, but very mild heat for a habanero. And that was my only complaint, I wish they were hotter.
I also grew the MOA Red last year. To date that is my favorite red pepper in the habanero range of heat. Hotter than the yellow MOA, fantastic flavor, thick walled, nice sweet fruity flavor. It is a scotch bonnet though and has a different flavor profile than the habanero.
Recently I tried the Mayan Red Habanero that was included in a seed saver box I purchased. I liked this pepper very much and it may be the one I decide to grow next year. Heat wise it was about orange hab level, not as hot as the MOA Red, but had a great habanero chinense flavor. It was not as thick walled as the MOA red, but had a medium thick flesh that was nice and crunchy.
Another one on the list could be the West Indies Red Habanero. I have seeds from this variety from last year but I elected to grow the CARDI Moruga habanero instead this year. I'm still hoping to see ripe pods from this by the end of the season.
Scotch Bonnet Safi also seems like it would be a good choice. I had considered getting seeds for this one at some point.
I agree with the comments about the chocolate hab... it is one of my favorite chocolate peppers. I have also read great things about the Jamaican Hot Chocolate and would like to try that one at some point.
I would be happy to send some seeds your way at the end of the season if you are interested in any of the ones I have.
cloudhand said:
Interesting that you started this topic... I was going to start the same topic a few weeks ago but got distracted with more research.
Anyway, I too am looking for an awesome red habanero type to grow next year. I had initiated a seed trade several months ago for some Antillais Caribbean Reds, but the seeds never arrived and the member has been absent here since with no reply to  pm (hope they are OK).
I grew Caribbean Red habs a few years ago and they are pretty good.
Last year I grew PI 585278 (Galapagos Island Large Red Habanero) and thought they were fantastic. Great flavor, thick walled, juicy, but very mild heat for a habanero. And that was my only complaint, I wish they were hotter.
I also grew the MOA Red last year. To date that is my favorite red pepper in the habanero range of heat. Hotter than the yellow MOA, fantastic flavor, thick walled, nice sweet fruity flavor. It is a scotch bonnet though and has a different flavor profile than the habanero.
Recently I tried the Mayan Red Habanero that was included in a seed saver box I purchased. I liked this pepper very much and it may be the one I decide to grow next year. Heat wise it was about orange hab level, not as hot as the MOA Red, but had a great habanero chinense flavor. It was not as thick walled as the MOA red, but had a medium thick flesh that was nice and crunchy.
Another one on the list could be the West Indies Red Habanero. I have seeds from this variety from last year but I elected to grow the CARDI Moruga habanero instead this year. I'm still hoping to see ripe pods from this by the end of the season.
Scotch Bonnet Safi also seems like it would be a good choice. I had considered getting seeds for this one at some point.
I agree with the comments about the chocolate hab... it is one of my favorite chocolate peppers. I have also read great things about the Jamaican Hot Chocolate and would like to try that one at some point.
I would be happy to send some seeds your way at the end of the season if you are interested in any of the ones I have.
Thanks for the offer, i will wait until the end of the season when you and others can give some reviews about the other peppers :-)
smokemaster said:
Already have "Orange Hab", "P Dreadie" and "MOA" on my growlist. Last year i had "7Pod Yellow" which is my "yellow" favorite so far.
In my opinion the red ones gives the better and more aromatic powder.
In terms of fresh eating your right.
I use a ton of different habs. for cooking.
As with everything from sauces to whatever.
I use stuff for rubs or chile.
I'm addicted to All peppers.
Each has it's place in whatever you are cooking.
Same with Frutescens,Baccatums and Annuums.
Each variety,I use for what I want the taste for.
I do like Red Habs. a Lot,But I think Yellow Habs. are a close second.
I do have a special place in my heart for red Habs.
Especially reds from local street markets in the country of origin.
I Really like Land Race stuff.
Don't neglect Frutescens.
I love that sudden super, burst of heat that right about when you get fried turns into a great taste.
I use peppers in blends mostly.
Everything with a blend has to contribute to each other.
Scotch Bonnets Rock!
Orange,red,or yellow .
I like Yellow best.
They all have a great taste and heat thing.
As I said,Use each to bring/compliment the stuff you are cooking at the time.
Spice blends with the peppers used to make the perfect dish.
I smoke stuff,mostly.
My blends are for ,my uses.
Different spices,non peppers,can be XLNT in making the pepper or peppers you use be at their best (heat Add Taste).
Great discussion.