hybrid You called your cross what ?

Hi All,
Well, it's Sunday night and work tomorrow so time to think of something of greater interest ...
In my opinion, sometimes the name allocated to a cross can be fairly easy to guess or it's self-explanatory (maybe).
Some that come to my mind are:
7 Pot Lava (descriptive I'm sure, but aren't all 7 Pot's that way?)
7 Pot Evergreen (as the name suggests)
Nagalah (Naga Morich x Douglah ?)
Bhutlah (Bhut Jolokia x Douglah ?)
Borg 9 (named after good 'ol Ernest)
Infinaga (Infinity x Naga Morich ?)
But then we get, for example:
7 Pot Bubblegum (aftertaste ?)
7 Pot Savannah (growing region ?)
Scorpion Ice Scream (again, aftertaste ?)
Brazilian Ghost Pepper
I wonder how names like that come about? Are there any other "unusual" examples out there? (I hope no one gets their nose out of joint over the question - if people provide names but say the parentage is secret then so be it).
To the uninitiated, some of these names probably come across like Lighting McQueen talking to Mater in Pixar's "Cars", and if we say them quick enough, we'll probably get the same sort of response...
( Lighting says "I'm a precision instrument of speed and engineering". Mater says: "You broke your what ?"  ) :rofl:
Incidentally, I've got a 7-pot with no less than five fused stems and it looks very muscular (for the lack of a better description) - perhaps if it's an accidental cross, I could call it 7 Pot "Hulk" ??
That's a good question..I don't know the answers,but something that realy got my attention is the name "7pot ice scream" .
Where can I get some of those!? They sound super cool!
Sorry,scorpin ice scream.
Bubblegum 7
Jon Harper who is the Father of this variety, based in the UK, he has been growing this and a lot of other Hybrids for a number of years. It is this particular Chilli that has generated the most interest recently. It is a very very rare chilli to get hold of with the true BG7 characteristics.

Jon called it Bubblegum because he thought it had a taste of the Bubbaliscious Bubblegum. I tasted the one pictured above and although Jon told me that it wouldnt be as hot due to the temperature drop affecting the SHUs, I was certainly stunned by its heat, I couldnt pick out the Bubblegum flavour but that was due mainly to the fact that my mouth and throat were on fire!

Although Jon has crossed the Red Moruga Scorpion with a Yellow 7 Pot both ways, he believes the BBG7 to be a mutation/variation of the Moruga Scorpion. A simple explanation of crossing the varieties is having a plant of each variety, and then pollinating the flowers of each with the pollen from the other, then you wait for the pods to form, collect those seeds, growing them and repeating the process, keeping the best pods

Ice Scream Scorpion

Butch Taylors Ice Scream Scorpion is a Scorpion offshoot whose parentage is uncertain, other than one of the plants was indeed a Trinidad Scorpion. The Ice Scream ripens from purple to an alluring yellow, with a texture very similar to the Trinidad Scorpions, yet with an aroma and flavor reminiscent of a beefed-up, supercharged habanero. The inside is loaded with droplets of oil which alerts the unlucky (or, lucky) consumer that a significant burn is likely. More importantly, the Ice Scream has a vibrant fruity flavor, with an intermingling of sweetness and vanilla, and the aftertaste is much like having eaten a bowl of vanilla ice cream; hence, the catchy and entirely appropriate nickname.

7 pot Savannah

Found by Ed Kolher who lived in Savannah hence the name.


7 pot Jonah x Naga Viper It came from the UK and was named after the creator's daughter.

Brazilian ghost pepper

Bhut Jolokia x 7pot x Trinidad Scorpion
Created by Jose Renato from Brazil
One of mine is the
DC Moruglah (F5 generation underway)
DC (my initials)  MORUGLAH     cross of MORUga and douGLAH
Also got some interesting cross that i have not named yet cause they are just F1
For example i have a "NOT PEACH" peach Bhut  which is a cross of Butch T and Peach Bhut Jolokia
why im sure it's a cross of that ?  cause i had one plant of Peach Bhut beside my 2 Butch T last year and i hand polinated all those 3 plants with teh same brush and kept some pods of those peach bhut  jut for fun!     Got a very nice surprise seeing  pods in my plants grew from those seeds this year with a long wierd shape Orange super hot pepper :)  
Ans i have a Mystery pepers that is fucking Hot also and nice looking...    will find a name later....
Those 3 will be grown under carefull isolation en generation selection to have something nice in the future :)
teejay said:
In my opinion, sometimes the name allocated to a cross can be fairly easy to guess or it's self-explanatory (maybe).
Linneaus would not be happy about this.  Not one bit.
There's a Black Mamba Sauce,  so is there also a pepper floating around named the Black Mamba or is it just a sauce made from variouse brown/black Peppers? Over the years I have been toying with the idea of making a long twisted snakey looking brown/black pepper that had a bit of a hood to it and a serious bite, but now with my health problems, I doubt I will ever see or come up with a pepper like that. Too Bad as I always thought it was a pretty cool name to give to a pepper.
chilli whisperer said:
Thanks guys :). So like if I cross a fatalii and a broome pepper,do I call it fatalii x broome pepper or what? Cuz I see that Butch Tayler called his pepper the Butch T,so what now?
If you cross a pepper, it won't be stable until 7 or more generations.  Alternatively, if you grow out a pepper which is a natural variant, and you also grow it out 7 or more generations, you can give it a name for the sake of convenience to identify this pepper.
teejay said:
Incidentally, I've got a 7-pot with no less than five fused stems and it looks very muscular (for the lack of a better description) - perhaps if it's an accidental cross, I could call it 7 Pot "Hulk" ??
Grow a few seeds from 7 pod hulk plant. They might stand a good chance at being a new strain.
As for crosses I have, the orange brain strain/halloween brain strain.(Named for the first day I picked one. Also, not sure if its a cross of a yellow and red or just a mutant yellow)
With respect to the "Hulk", I think it's just a freak of nature, so the anticipated naming of a cross is simply in jest. (I'd post some pics but i have no need for one of those internet picture sharing sites in general. Perhap I'm a bit too old fashioned ?).
I'm pretty sure that when it does produce chilli's they will be standard 7 Pot, but hey, I'll do as suggested and keep as much seed as possible.
Spicegeist - I'm not quite sure where Carl Linneaus fit's in since it's non-botanical naming I'm referred to, e.g. called 7 Pot "Evergreen" because it, well, stays green all the time. But point made - perhaps he would rather have seen some sort of "proper" foundations for naming crosses, but then we wouldn't get to talk about Bubblegum's and so forth !
Off to work as dreaded in the original post ...
And this is why I reckon we need a Cultivar/hybrid registry.  IMO there are too many things which are barely, if even, different from the original that are acquiring names - heck man there are things that aren't anywhere near the original getting friggin names so that they are on the wagon!  E.g 7 Pot Burgundy!!!!!! A Congo yes, 7 Pot no!
If you look at a bromeliad registry - if you wanna name something you have to show parentage, show what the differences are etc.  This info is not necessarily made available to all and sundry.  It is kept on the register to prove that your thang is different to someone else's thang.
I love the way that even a Primo is called a 7 Pot - it isn't.  It is an outcross with a Naga and therefore should just be called a Primo.  Strangely enough, the BrainStrain is a genuine 7 Pot but isn't called that.  The Burgundy is but it isn't and so it goes on and on and on. 
All of this is rather confusing and quite convoluted.  At the end of the day nobody is going to know what is what and it will be a quagmire of BS names and nobody the wiser for all the dilly-dallying. 