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smoking Woods for smoking

Happened across a small unwanted peach tree awhile back. Chipped some up and the peach wood chips are cured and ready to go. Currently smoking red Biker Billy Jals with apple wood. Next I think will be some Primos smoked with Peach wood.
Until lord knows when. I just know that the bags that cost $5 in the store are small and I could now fill probably 50-80 of them. Would you like some??

I would gladly trade you a couple bottles of LDHS for a medium USPS box full if you're serious about it. I love applewood and use it often. and you're right - the bags at the store are ridiculously priced.

Let me know!
Pecan wood is plentiful here. I don't know about prepackaged, but we have plenty of pecan trees. I can try gathering up some empty pecan shells. Those work also.
I have to go pick up my daughter for the weekend from her mother's house Friday afternoon. We had at least 8 pecan trees on the property. If you'd like, I can roam around and gather some for you. I'm on good terms with the ex, so I don't think it would be a problem
I have to go pick up my daughter for the weekend from her mother's house Friday afternoon. We had at least 8 pecan trees on the property. If you'd like, I can roam around and gather some for you. I'm on good terms with the ex, so I don't think it would be a problem
That would be awesome. Shells or branch pieces(of course cut to fit in a MFRB). Can you imagine a USPS man delivering a limb covered in stamps :rofl:
hahahahahaha! He'd be... "SMH...WTF?"

Sure thing... just tell me what an MFRB is! Made for review blog? No, that's not it.... Micro-fiber refill... no, that can't be right either.... Mail friendly retail bag? Help a brother out!
Thanks again for the pecan Phil. Sending off something to say thanks when I go to the post today.

This weekend my son grabbed the camera and caught me raking the Apple wood chips that are drying under a fan.