• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Windchicken 2013

Finally got me some lights and a heat mat...



The trays are the self-watering Burpee 32-cell type..Hopefully they will maintain more consistent moisture levels.

This is what I sowed:

C. chinense
MoA Scotch Bonnet (STEVE954), 6
Madame Jeanette (Meatfreak), 6
Bahamian Goat (FadeToBlack), 6
NagaBrain (romy6), 8
Trinidad Scorpion, 4
7 Pot Yellow, 8
Cumari do Para (capsidadburn), 8
Bonda ma Jacques x 7 Pot Yellow (Spicegeist), 4
Chupetinha, 4

C. annuum
Doux Tres Long des Landes (Meatfreak), 6
Poblano, 8
Zapotec Jalapeño, 12
Chiltepin, 8
California Wonder, 4
Chilhuacle Rojo, 8
Thai Garden Birdseed, 4
Ashe County Pimento (kentishman), 4
Kitchen Pepper (Datil), 4

C. baccatum
Aji Amarillo, 8

There are a few spots still open. Probably will sow NuMex 6-4 and some Morouga, because people are asking for it....
Gary, Your grow is always impressive and it looks like you never stopped from last year. Great job! I'm still around and I began germinating about a month behind last years start. I will probably start another grow log but I will be a little less of a presence here than in past years. Just need to scale back some. I've got maybe 20 varieties sowed and some hooking.

I ran into Brian at Natural Gardner in south Austin last weekend. He is doing great.

Later and have a good season, Mike
Congrats on the sprouts. Looking good so far.

Thanks Pia!

Nice to read :) I've got 6 for 6 now but 2 are helmet heads, the other 4 look great and 2 of them are taking off quickly.

You're one better than me...I've got 5 out of 6 with 2 helmet heads on my MoAs. I believe I will eventually have 6 plants, though. I'm excited to see how everyone's MoA grows go...Good luck with yours!

How's it growin' Gary?!

Hi Steve! The MoAs are looking good, maybe a week or so behind the rest, but still ahead of the Chiltepins! Pix soon.

Gary, Your grow is always impressive and it looks like you never stopped from last year. Great job! I'm still around and I began germinating about a month behind last years start. I will probably start another grow log but I will be a little less of a presence here than in past years. Just need to scale back some. I've got maybe 20 varieties sowed and some hooking.

I ran into Brian at Natural Gardner in south Austin last weekend. He is doing great.

Later and have a good season, Mike

Hey Mike! It's great to hear from you! We're going to have a 8-plant grow of your Cumari do Para in the big country garden this year. They're a big hit with my co-workers and my family, and the seeds are poppin' at 100% germination...

It's good to hear that Brian is doing well...I wonder if he's growing this year?

I understand needing to simplify one's life....I'm kind of jealous that you get to have a smaller grow. That was my intention for this year as well, but I don't think it's going to happen...

My old skate bud who now lives in San Antonio just set himself up with a new deck...I'm kind of feeling it, too... :rolleyes: I don't know....it could happen...Is the Pflugerville ditch in any kind of shape at all?
… You're one better than me...I've got 5 out of 6 with 2 helmet heads on my MoAs. I believe I will eventually have 6 plants, though. I'm excited to see how everyone's MoA grows go...Good luck with yours! …
Apologies as I was wrong when I posted that, I have corrected in my glog. I have 3 ladies with hats on still and I believe 2 of them will make it out of the woods. The third doesn’t look good at this time so I’m keeping my fingers crossed and begging the pepper Jah ;) Gary every ting looking Irie mon! Keep dat positive vibration :)
Mike—Okay, never mind about the Pflugerville ditch...I just googled it...apparently it's MIA for a long time...Wow, I'm old...Here's a pik I found, from the 70s:


Pflugerville style monger, back in the day:


Apologies as I was wrong when I posted that, I have corrected in my glog. I have 3 ladies with hats on still and I believe 2 of them will make it out of the woods. The third doesn’t look good at this time so I’m keeping my fingers crossed and begging the pepper Jah ;) Gary every ting looking Irie mon! Keep dat positive vibration :)

Wow, nice pics! We did the drainage ditches back then as well, eventually the authorities threw cement all over them to make them rough :( That one pic you posted is similar Larry Bertlemann lay back move we called a "Bertlemann" skateboarding but layback surfin. I can still do that in my 50's, lol, but much prefer surfing and have cut back to minimal skateboarding so I don' t hurt myself. Very cool Gary!
Cool Ramon! Another rat! I almost didn't post the skate-related stuff, not wanting to insert "irrelevant" talk into the thread, but something made me post it anyway!

And you're still skating? SWEET! Okay now I've got to get my boards out of the closet!

I never learned to stand-up surf, but I live for da kine ocean swells on my Hobie 16...

The frontside bert was my signature move, back in the day...I really don't get all the flippy stuff the kids are doing now...

The below pik is me around 1984. (I haven't looked like that in a long time...)

Great stuff Gary, The ditch looks just like one in my hometown at the college in Joplin. Rent a cops would always threaten to run us off until they saw us skate, then they were cool. Wasn't always that lucky and obstruction would sometimes follow after being run off, like Walkgood mentioned.

Maybe I'll post some old skate pics whenever I start my glog. I took my daughter skating a few months back and of course rolled my ankle. Slow to heal it is. I understand completely what you mean about the board flipping. I recently watched the Netflix documentary Bones Brigade also made by Stacy like the Dogtown was. We all used to watch Rodney Mullen in amazement back then but never really pursued that stuff. Lots of stuff I did not know about Rodney and Lance Mountain in that Doc. Those kids were all younger than us when we were rollin.

Brian was attending a Fig growing class put on by the Mega Nursery that is Natural Gardener. Sounds like he is still tinkering with flavors and old time sodas. I introduced my wife to him and he was his usual friendly and very cordial self.

Cool to hear about the Cumari, they are definately winners!

Gotta get back to work, Later....
Cool Ramon! Another rat! I almost didn't post the skate-related stuff, not wanting to insert "irrelevant" talk into the thread, but something made me post it anyway!
Glad you did, I’ve always said that when I can’t surf or skate any more I’ll be old, lol

And you're still skating? SWEET! Okay now I've got to get my boards out of the closet!
Yea, read other line ^ above about getting old, hehe …

I never learned to stand-up surf, but I live for da kine ocean swells on my Hobie 16...
I started when I was 12 and never stopped, we have another surfer here on the forums that we chat and he’s got some great CL pics (pepperproblem). Sweet, I’ve had 2 Hobie’s over the years, both sixteens, great ocean boat. Back in college we use to fish and dive off it, if my scanner wasn’t broken I think you’d be stunned at the sail fish and spiny lobsters we’d catch, no digital cams back then :(

The frontside bert was my signature move, back in the day...I really don't get all the flippy stuff the kids are doing now...
Nice move mon! Rad! I can still do the Bertlemann lay back too but prefer it in surfing, no hand down. I think the flippy move you are thinking of is the ollie, I stopped doing it cause it hurts my lower back, too much impact landing. It is kinda like a late take off on a wave, dem seriously fun when you pull one off with air.

The below pik is me around 1984. (I haven't looked like that in a long time...)
Love da move, radical … :)

Here’s me a few years ago pulling 3 IIRC, can still pulling between 3 to 5 at a shot on a good day but I was much more accurate in my younger days.
WalkGood, I could not see anything. I use photobucket as well and just as soon as you get comfy with they change it all around just to mess with me.


Edit: Ok I see lots of stuff now. Hawaii, and Peppers, Some skating. I went a couple years ago to Oahu and the Big island. I loved it! Wish I could have seen Maui.
WalkGood, I could not see anything. I use photobucket as well and just as soon as you get comfy with they change it all around just to mess with me.

Mike, I just logged out and tested and it works for me both ways http://s223.beta.pho...ac62a6.pbw.html I also went into photoCrap and changed privacy settings, that's why I asked! I rarely use them anymore but have a lot of stuff there ... guess I haven't a clue. If I try the link they provide THP rejects it, strange :/

Edit: what do you see? Edit2: I had a friend check it and he can see it, it's a flash slide show of a few pics, so you may have flash blocker on, it would need to be turned off AFAIK (flash/script blocker may be the issue if you can't see it).
Great stuff Gary, The ditch looks just like one in my hometown at the college in Joplin. Rent a cops would always threaten to run us off until they saw us skate, then they were cool. Wasn't always that lucky and obstruction would sometimes follow after being run off, like Walkgood mentioned.

Maybe I'll post some old skate pics whenever I start my glog. I took my daughter skating a few months back and of course rolled my ankle. Slow to heal it is. I understand completely what you mean about the board flipping. I recently watched the Netflix documentary Bones Brigade also made by Stacy like the Dogtown was. We all used to watch Rodney Mullen in amazement back then but never really pursued that stuff. Lots of stuff I did not know about Rodney and Lance Mountain in that Doc. Those kids were all younger than us when we were rollin.

Brian was attending a Fig growing class put on by the Mega Nursery that is Natural Gardener. Sounds like he is still tinkering with flavors and old time sodas. I introduced my wife to him and he was his usual friendly and very cordial self.

Cool to hear about the Cumari, they are definately winners!

Gotta get back to work, Later....

The harsh realities of growing older...At least you've actually stood on a skate, something I haven't done in at least 3 or 4 years...

I was a hard-core ditch rat....My buddies and I built a couple of big half-pipes, and I could manage frontside grinds on the "big vert," but ditches and steep hills were my native terrain. The ditch at Pflugerville always seemed like Nirvana to me...It got featured in Thrasher magazine several times, and I always figured I would skate it one day, but that ship apparently sailed long ago...

It's funny you should mention the Bones Brigade kids. I loved those guys, and usually skated Powell/Peralta decks and wheels...Our crew went to see a pro half-pipe contest in Little Rock in '85...I actually met Stacy Peralta, Christian Hosoi, and Steve Steadham. Tony Hawk was just a little kid around 15 years old, but he was blasting backside airs 6 feet or so above the lip, which at that time was higher than anyone had ever seen. Needless to say he won the contest....

Back then we called skaters like Rodney Mullen "robots" because their skating was all circus tricks, with no soul...Now it seems like they're all doing the same thing, but in the air, way above the lip...Impressive, and I admire their skill and ability, but it's not what skating was about to me....The guys I tried to emulate, like Steve Olson, Stacy Peralta and Jay Smith, were all about carving and grinding while going really, really fast. I also loved the "balls out" thrashers like Duane Peters, Tony Alva, and Jay Adams, who always seemed to be on the verge of a total catastrophic wipe-out...

I'm looking forward to your skate pix!

Glad you did, I’ve always said that when I can’t surf or skate any more I’ll be old, lol

Yea, read other line ^ above about getting old, hehe …

I started when I was 12 and never stopped, we have another surfer here on the forums that we chat and he’s got some great CL pics (pepperproblem). Sweet, I’ve had 2 Hobie’s over the years, both sixteens, great ocean boat. Back in college we use to fish and dive off it, if my scanner wasn’t broken I think you’d be stunned at the sail fish and spiny lobsters we’d catch, no digital cams back then :(

Nice move mon! Rad! I can still do the Bertlemann lay back too but prefer it in surfing, no hand down. I think the flippy move you are thinking of is the ollie, I stopped doing it cause it hurts my lower back, too much impact landing. It is kinda like a late take off on a wave, dem seriously fun when you pull one off with air.

Love da move, radical … :)

Here’s me a few years ago pulling 3 IIRC, can still pulling between 3 to 5 at a shot on a good day but I was much more accurate in my younger days.

I couldn't see it on my Mac at work, or my iPhone, but it worked just fine on my old PowerPC Mac at home...I think it's a Flash (ergggh) issue...[insert Dropbox endorsement here]

Cool slide show, by the way, and great skating! I could only ever do 1 of those!

So you're a Hobie sailor, as well! and a chilehead skater? What are the chances? We are kindred spirits dude!

Cool photos.......I like the idea of occasionally side tracking "blasts from the past"............shots !

Thanks Greg...The operative term in your comment being "occasionally" :P ?

Thanks for bearing with us skater chileheads...That's all for now!
Love the old skate pics! When I was about ten years old there was a sick half pipe way back in the woods near my house. In this area you had to keep skate ramps hidden from the cops back then. On any given day in the summer there would be a crowd of twenty or so kids watching people wipe out on that half pipe. It was there for about 5 years til the cops found it and burned it down. I wonder why there was such a crack down on kids skating ramps. I think it made skating more exciting for us though.