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hot-sauce Who has tried the new Ghost Pepper sauce at Buffalo Wild Wings?

Suffered thru a few today :rolleyes:
Nothing has changed at WS,still the same lame retail chicken parts game
Sure there was some  :hot:  but the entire flavor profile is jacked,JUST LIKE THE REST OF THEIR SAUCES!
Better quality is easily had at lower profile joints that employ real time "cooks"
You can not beat real homemade wings by any stretch,ESPECIALLY if you use homegrown pepper powders in your sauces
If you havent been to WS for this garbage,save your coin IMO
I I tried their GP sauce last Friday. I enjoy and normally order their Mango Hab sauce, even though it lacks the heat level I'd like.
So I got some of the GP on the side( in case it was terrible) for dipping some boneless mango hab wings. The heat definitely builds after a couple bites, and offers a nice kicked up heat to the mango/hab. But like someone else said, there is a gritty texture...and its not anywhere close to the heat I get out of my home grown pods and sauce. I'll probably order it on the side the next time as well.
I just got back from eating 10 boneless wings with the GP sauce, and I must say, it was a pretty good sauce. Much like their medium sauce, flavor-wise, but not nearly as hot as I had expected. Several of the waters/waitresses were coming up to me in amazement that I was able to tear through half of the wings in only a couple minutes. Even the BW3 manager really and truly thought that ghost peppers were the hottest things out there, but I educated him, even mentioning that I grow ones that were hotter than ghosts.
Funny thing is, once I got down to the last 2-3, I slowed down, not because it was too hot, but just to let my stomach rest. In fact, by the last couple, either I built up an incredible heat tolerance, or they just weren't nearly as hot as I had anticipated. Still, it was a good experience, and the endorphin rush was a nice bonus after I got into my car.
I need to try these some time at lunch. Last time I had hot wings is was a Quaker Steak and Lube where all they do is start with Tabasco sauce and add extract to get their hot sauces. Not real good. A Bhut sauce will be a nice change even if it doesn't taste like bhut .
Yeah, the sauce itself was rather tasty. The spiciness hit you immediately, but subsided within a couple minutes. Overall, a pleasant experience. Hell, the whole rest of the day, I was riding a pretty good endorphin high.