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pests White bugs

I noticed something white on a couple of my plants that looked like some type of scale. when I went to touch it it moved. It actually would leave white residue around where it had been sitting. When I first saw it I was thinking cottony cushion scale until it moved. When I tried smush them the little jokers could jump 6 inches in the air. I tried to take pics but couldn't get them in focus. Really white, leave a white powdery residue around where they sit and can jump! What are they? I've seen aphids ,these guys are flat though and a lot bigger......
Did it look like a fly, it may be white flies,


or was it more of silver looking (i get silver looking ones my plants) and have no clue what it is, one day i was going to put on in the jar and take it to the nursery.
Sounds like mealybugs, google image search it to be sure. Destroy them if they are. You can spray them and the plant with hydrogen peroxide and h2O or use instect soap
The peroxide will kill them? From the pics or some of them at least it looks like Italy be mealy bugs. I went to look again and found one, tried to kill it and can't believe how well they can jump, mealy bugs are jumpers?
The peroxide will kill them? From the pics or some of them at least it looks like Italy be mealy bugs. I went to look again and found one, tried to kill it and can't believe how well they can jump, mealy bugs are jumpers?

I dont think mealybugs jump as I have seen them before and they didnt jump. But the way you descibed the way they look,sounds like mealybugs. Maybe they could be white leaf hoppers? I dunno. The peroxide helps to kill them, yes or you can use insect soap.
Planthopper Nymph


FYI the beneficial Mealybug destroyers look similar but do not hop.
