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container which compact-ish variety for container growing?

Hi all, I am new to growing chillis and want to try growing them in containers.
Can anyone recommend a variety that does not get too tall - I like compact bushy plants. Also a medium to hot type.
I prefer medium hot to hot with good flavour above Ridiculously super duper hot hot hot types.
Super Chili is a fast grower that likes containers. My new favorite, however is Pequin, sometimes known as bird peppers. They take longer to grow than the Thai Hot, but a notch hotter and very tasty. If you need a large pod pepper, who doesn't like a good jalepeno popper? Just give it about 20-liters, she'll be allright.... :cool:
My fav fast growing small plant is ahi-lemon, nice zestry fruity taste similar to a hab, but not as hot.
My favorite if prik kee noo suan, I have many in 1 gallon containers that are almost a year old. They stay about 1ft tall and are prolific. They are probably 75-100k SHU and have great flavor. Also, they do great in just a window sill.
Amish Bush (pepperlover.com). Tiny, very prolific plant it seems. I am growing this one this year. I have only tried a dried pod but it had a nice smoky-ish flavor (no, it wasn't smoked :lol:) but is quite hot.