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when to pot?

i have 3 caribbean habanero plants just shoot up over the last few weeks .how high should i let them grow before i pot them.?They are about an inch high now and are in little seed trays with about 3 inches of soil.
: comes running in :

"Did someone say pot?"

My general rule of thumb is to wait until it has 2 sets of leaves (not counting the first embrionic leaves). But that is when I have them already in a small pot. With starter trays, I would say wait for the first set of true leaves...or wait till you see white roots coming out of the bottom.
Yeah, I'd say you can leave them in the trays for a wee while yet. Won't hurt them. Perhaps when the height of the plant roughly equals the height of the tray soil?
hey Jon, i think you should make a tread and cover all the grounds about growing peppers....like "growing peppers 101" or some like that, you definitely the right person to do this..and others to help you as well. I think it should be a nice addition to the forum... just a though...
marcosauces said:
hey Jon, i think you should make a tread and cover all the grounds about growing peppers....like "growing peppers 101" or some like that, you definitely the right person to do this..and others to help you as well. I think it should be a nice addition to the forum... just a though...
Wow, there's alot of ground to cover on that subject. Hmmm...I'll think about it.
marcosauces said:
hey Jon, i think you should make a tread and cover all the grounds about growing peppers....like "growing peppers 101" or some like that, you definitely the right person to do this..and others to help you as well. I think it should be a nice addition to the forum... just a though...

Personally, I'd love to see a stickied thread about this.
I think that I would really appreciate a general how to for indoor growing. It seems like there is a site or two that I have bookmarked someplace that already has it though. I will dig.