soil Whats your soil PH for super hots?

Last year I had very mixed grow results so this year I'm going higher tech and changing my soil PH to be more constant.  Soil PH in the areas that failed was above 7 and up to 8.  Best areas were in the mid  to lower 6 range.  I plan a hike in to where I picked my Chiltepins from to check it as they do great there.  I use the stadard EPA guide for measuring...
What D3monic said. That also applies for the majority of plants found in your average garden.
Should note that if you have a well amended soil, then soil PH is technically not as important as with a hydro setup; the extra stuff and the microbes in your soil help buffer against less than ideal PH.
My recommendation, rather than mucking with PH adjusters, flush real good with water and amend with good quality compost and other shit (literally lol). Then let it sit for a couple of weeks and recheck to see where you are at.
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I agree with filmost. I messed with my high PH for a couple of years by using 50 gallon barrels treated to bring the PH down. I then walked back and forth with watering cans watering my plants. That got old, so I finally raised the barrels 6 ft like a mini water tower and used a short hose, but that was still a pain in the butt.
Then last year somewhere around 300 plants I got lazy and just started just watering from the hose.  A beer in one hand and a hose in the other, I felt liberated. Guess what, I did not lose a single plant and I swear I had a better year than any previous year. Of course that could be due to several factors, but to get off the big blue barrel was the best move I have made in a long time. Keep it simple, good healthy aerated soil will go a long way.
SL3...  Treated city water or well water?  Our city water treated with chlorine does not help and the 7 wopping inches of rain we get a year cannot be saved in the volumes needed.  My plants are all on drip lines.  The things I do have is great compost with ample worms working it as well as a close buddy who's family owns our largest chicken farm around.  Their poo compost sells for $50 a cu ft and I have more than I ever need.  That chit works! LOL
Right now my starts are all doing great in soil of 6.3, thats my goal this year for the entire garden.
Nuclieye said:
SL3...  Treated city water or well water?  Our city water treated with chlorine does not help and the 7 wopping inches of rain we get a year cannot be saved in the volumes needed.  My plants are all on drip lines.  The things I do have is great compost with ample worms working it as well as a close buddy who's family owns our largest chicken farm around.  Their poo compost sells for $50 a cu ft and I have more than I ever need.  That chit works! LOL
Right now my starts are all doing great in soil of 6.3, thats my goal this year for the entire garden.
I wish I had a well. Most do around me, but I'm on City Water and the PH is all over the place.  I used PH down (Pool Supply) to get it to 6.5, but like I said that got old and I really have not seen a negative difference.  I probably should have added that all my seedlings get distilled water from the bottle until they're about 6 to 8 inches in height. Right now I'm using 12 gallons a week.
A drip line set up would be great, and at some point I probably will be looking into that this year. I use soaker hoses in the raised beds, so drip lines for the potted stuff would only make sense. The two biggest factors that really seem to give me an edge last year was changing to Coco Coir in my potting mix and using Root Pouches instead of Plastic Pots. Yes chicken crap is great too. My girls keep me in loads of the stuff. 