favorite What's your favorite Pubescens?

Does anyone have a good recommendation on a Pubescens variety? I'm attempting to try a wide variety this year and I missed Pubescens on my grow list somehow lol. Thanks in advance!
Pr0digal_son said:
CAP 1492 is my favorite to date. I prefer the yellows and oranges to reds.
That actually looks interesting. Snacking size instead of a whole apple. Gonna have to add that one to my list.
Without a doubt the yellow Manzano. I found a couple of them last week that were almost as big as my fist at a little mexican food store down the road. They had a thick juicy flesh and a heat that would definitely get your attention. I saved a few of the seeds if you'd like some.
In my limited exposure to the Rocoto/Manzano varieties, I have found the orange and especially the reds to be more flavorful and tasty. I know that pod color does not define the best taste in all pods to everyone. This is true with the yellow sweet Pero . I have found the yellows are far superb to there red and orange relatives. This is why you have to grow them ALL!
I've not tried them but got the pineapple rocoto form miss Judy.
I have seedlings coming up and think they would of came up sooner if I soaked them.
I picked them for container use and was thinking they work well here in southeast Missouri
Also for taste a course
If this goes well I well order some different ones for next year to try.
My favorite is the yellow manzano.The only other I've had is the Orange manzano.I like the yellow so much it's the only plant I kept from last season.This will grow red manzano,pineapple rocoto and cabe gendot.
dustonj2008 said:
Thanks for the offer Mister_Al but hogleg already has some on the way. Thanks again hogleg!
No prob, happy to share! Enjoy the goodies and have a great season!