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favorite What's your favorite and why?

any of the trinidad varieties from the Scorpion to the 7 Pot to the Congos...they taste great, have fantastic to good heat, and taste delicious wrapped in bacon after they are stuffed with cajun seasoned cheese and 1/2 a scallop...

I just plain don't like the Bhut, Bih, Dorset Naga, or Naga Morich....something about the taste that turns me off...
I favor the Jalapeno, Anaheims, Caribbean Red, and Datil. Jalapenos are just plain versatile and I love chipotles. Anaheims have awesome flavor are a great substitute for bells in dishes like gumbo, jambalaya, spaghetti red sauce, etc. CR's are as hot as I care for but have awesome fruity flavors. Datils are not only hot and flavorful, but there's a certain mystique that they have for me I guess because of the Florida connection.....
the diablo chili is my favorite. very fruity and juicy with a good amount of heat. I love to just pluck some off and eat them like candy.
any of the trinidad varieties from the Scorpion to the 7 Pot to the Congos...they taste great, have fantastic to good heat, and taste delicious wrapped in bacon after they are stuffed with cajun seasoned cheese and 1/2 a scallop...

I just plain don't like the Bhut, Bih, Dorset Naga, or Naga Morich....something about the taste that turns me off...

I'm with you on the Dorset Naga. I had my first experience with it last night. Again the heat from that pepper is insaine, but the flavor isn't very good. Not sure really what it taste like in comparison, but I just flat don't like it. Maybe good as a powder for game chili such as elk?

My new favorite is the Fatalii, I just had my first one Saturday, but (glutten for punishment) I aim to have many more.
Really basic but as far a general across the board application, the Orange Habanero goes well on everything. It's got a perfect amount of heat for a pepper-head, and an almost sweet flavor on top of it's heat. It's the kind of thing I love putting on nachos, in salsa's, or on sandwiches.

Another pepper I see potential in is anything from the Jolokia variety of peppers. I had some dried Bhut Jolokia a while ago and loved the heat I got from them in my food, didn't pick up on much flavor but maybe that had to do with them being dried. I'm currently growing a 7 Pot plant that just started producing peppers, I can't wait until I can harvest and taste fresh pepper...maybe I'll have a new favorite then.
I grow at least 4 plants of no matter what every year for the last 10 years of Cascabella pickled in vinegar on the table at all times. Picked yellow best damn pepper around.
New Mex Big Jims for cooking
Jaloro for poppers wrapped in bacon
Tepin for eating
Hawaiian Kona Reds for good hot kick

AJ an old tennis shoe would taste good in bacon