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health Whats wrong with my plants???

Hi, I'm a little worried about a few of my plants and I hope someone can help, they seem to be dieing from the tips of the leaves inward. To start, I have in no way a syphisticated set up, I have six plants, when its sunny and warm I put them outside, when its cold, cloudy, or after the sun goes down I put them under a couple 150w curly cue flouresants. The ones that are affected are two jalapenos and one cayanne. They are in four inch containers and only water them when I "feel the containers are light enough", almost to the point of wilting. The soil I'm useing is .19-.20-.06, I have givin them a shot of shultz tomato food since they started looking like this, thinking it was a nutrient def. With every new set of leaves I hope the tips wont start dieing, maybe this set eh. And for the life of me I cant get a picture to post, if someone could walk me through that (much appriciated) you can see what i'm talking about.

XRDAN said:
And for the life of me I cant get a picture to post, if someone could walk me through that (much appriciated) you can see what i'm talking about.

are you using a "photo-hosting" site?...like photobucket or image shack?...if not you need to join one of those free photo hosting sites, upload your picture there, copy the code for thumbnails, full pics, etc..., then paste the code into your post where you want the pic...

I use image shack...but there are other hosting sites out there...

after you get the pics posted, there are several members here that are very good "troubleshooters" for plant problems...

one recommendation is to make sure the picture you are posting has been compressed so viewers that have dial up connections can view them without having to wait 6 hours for it to load...
I was not useing a host site, I thought it was possible to upload from my computer.

I have looked at that website and am leaning towards magneseum or potassium, just want to see what some of you experienced growers think. I couldn't compress image so I'll only post one. Thanks for your help

i dunno, that sounds like a lot of fertilizer for them to be deficient... how long ago did you give them the shultz cuz i'm pretty sure shultz tomato food has micronutrients...but at the same time i doubt you have so much of one nutrient that its crowding out another...
It looks like it could be a mineral salt build-up in the soil....you might want to leach it (water it until the water runs out the bottom for a minute or two)....I have this problem with my commiphora plants and the leaching helps.
I gave them the shultz about 4 days ago, I gave them that one because it has all the micro nutrients. How bad is a sun burn? Does it heal or continue to kill the leaves. I did leach the soil when I first saw this happening, I first thought the starting fertalizer I gave when I transplanted might have been to much. That was over two weeks ago. It just got worse, so then I thought nutrient def, and that led me to shultz.
this may be a bit off but this may be a case of them not being hardened off to the sun???
I have seen this happen when a plant has been sprayed with soap to controll aphids but you have not done that so I am thinking they are not hardened off but I am not an indoor expert so dont take this as what is wrong .
when you water or fertilize are you spraying the leaves??
if so that may also be a problem as some fertilizers are hard on foilage.
keep us updated
The sun has been their only source of light except for a couple of flouresents every now and then when it's cold or cloudy. I also try my best not to get water on the leaves when watering.
XRDAN said:
I was not useing a host site, I thought it was possible to upload from my computer.

I couldn't compress image so I'll only post one. Thanks for your help

The way I compress my pictures is with Microsoft Picture Manager. Under the "Edit Pictures" tab there is a function that says "compress photos" or something like that...it is at the bottom of the menu when you open the Edit Picture function.

I don't have a clue what is killing the ends of the leaves...have they been touching anything?...I know some of mine that were touching the mylar lost the ends of their leaves..
If you use tap water alot of times it has alot of chlorine in it and may be the problem but looks like to much fert. Just my 5 cents worth
Thanks for all the good advice. I believe it was too much fert. The plants are getting much better, I leached the soil and havent given them any more food and no more leaves have shown signs of this. I just transplanted three of them today into seven ga. pots, i'll see how that works out.