pics Whatever this is, it is spreading to all of my plants and killing them. Pics inside.

It is a white powdery residue on the underside of the leaves. It brushes off easily, but it seems to spread very seriously from plant to plant.
I first started seeing it on my smaller plants that I had kept inside the patio, so I figured it had something to do with the location. 
Then I started seeing it on all my bigger plants on the other side of the house outside. I've tried moving plants to different locations (full sun, shade, zero wind, ect.) to see if it would kill whatever it is, but no luck so far.
And one more weird tid bit. The only plants of mine that have NOT been affected by this at all are my super hots (trinidad scorp, brain strain, trinidad choc), and they are right next to ones that are affected. Same soil, same ferts, ect.


Interesting read thanks. I'm thinking my problem is big enough where I need to find a proper fungicide quick.
I know Daconil is the big guns for fungus and blight when used on tomatoes, never had to use it on pepper plants so i don't know how well it would work.
Here's another article you may want to glance at before purchasing a product:
If you find different products cheap enough, then consider using two completely different product families to treat it, spread out the different treatments at least a week though.
Consider removing the most infected plant, gently throw a garbage bag over it and tie it up, then dispose.
Good luck either way.
Jeezbus. I even if I were to remove the infected plants, I don't see why they wouldn't come back, since the infection is happening on two different locations not even anywhere near each other. 
White fly infestation also seems to spread that stuff.
I used Safer Garden fungucide to get rid of it but FIRST dealt with the white flies that seemed to start the whole thing.
The garden center/Nursery gave me the answers when I showed them the white leaves off my plants.
They saw both white fly stuff around the fungus or whatever.
I think the safer stuff was soap and sulfur.
Either way it quickly got rid of both in a couple weeks.
But I dealt with it early.Yours looks like a big time infection or whatever.

Try the safer stuff and cross your fingers it's the same thing and fairly easy to deal with.
Looks nastier than it is,in general compared to other nasty stuff.

IF white flies are spreading it,it would make sence that only certain plants are effected.
I find certain nasties pick out specific plants first,then go to the less desirable ones if left unchecked.
I'd pull all the white leaves off and spray the safer stuff ans see what happens.
The sulfur is in the bottom and wants to stay there.
IF you think you shaked it enough,go for 2X that time.
You probably didn't shake it enough.
A bottle only makes 4 gal.
Expensive stuff ($12. a bottle)if you have a lot of plants...but it worked for me.
Mmmmm, you guys sure its not a Mealybug infestation? looks like Mealybug to me. A matter of fact I am pretty certain it is, but it is hard to say for sure because the pics aren't close enough. Google "mealybug".
If it's mealybugs they should be obvious on close inspection. The pics aren't close in enough but the old eyeball mark-1 will pick them out immediately.