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breeding What variety do you think would cross well with a Bishop's crown?

Donnie said:
Very true! So here is a little help if you want to make an "interspecific hybrid" with baccatum... http://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/jsbbs/56/1/31/_pdf

I would concentrate on finding a nice baccatum variety to cross with instead - my suggestion is Aji Omnicolor (hotter and you might be able to come up with purple pods, since this one develops anthocyanin on pods to some extent)

I knew interspecific hybrid with a baccatum would be difficult but know it looks too much of a project for me. Thanks for the link Donnie
I think I'll move on to some other ideas like maybe a "whippet's tailapeno" or a Frencho(Fresno * Ancho):)

A whippet's tailpeno would be awesome. I have always wondered what a whippit's tail cross would look like. It would be really cool to make a long version of another pepper like a jalapeno.
Come on the Frencho is a too cool of a name :D Seems like two great varieties to cross too. Wonder what the phenotype will be like... Seems like there's a lot of potential with this one. If you get around to it I would love to see some updates on that project potawie!
The Frencho idea I've had for a while now but I ran into difficulties
I've had problems with a poor Poblano variety for years that I was trying to improve but finally gave up on it and am now going to try growing the "Ancho san luis" variety.
I also just realised that I am very low on fresno seeds so I hope I get at least 1 to germinate, I really don't want to do any more purchases or trades right now