seeds What to do about this seedling?

Hey guys,
I have a set of seedlings going in the closet and am kind of tight on space this year so I'm doing a full container grow.  Most of my seedlings have been doing well, but I have a Morouga Red from THSC whose roots are just EXPLODING.  They grew so fast that they started getting root rot in my seed tray before they even had a full set of leaves, and now have fully filled my makeshift solo cup pots with big, white, feathery roots while only having three pairs of leaves.  My other plants are content growing nice and slow, but I'm already down to one morouga red seedling.  The others got total nutrient lockout and were more or less beyond help.
I have 6" pots that I was going to transfer all my plants into this weekend, but my last Morouga red seedling is already showing serious problem signs (all new growth is extremely light colored and flimsy, basically anemic) and I'm worried that even if I can recover it, the 6" pots will only last it another week or so.  I'll get pics up of the problem plant ASAP but my hands are tied at the moment.
1.  Are these signs consistent with root problems?
2.  Is there an easy way to get the plant to recover quickly?
3.  How should I treat the plant differently in coming months (more ferts and go for a huge pot to put it in?)
Thanks for any help (pics coming soon)
1. remove plant / soil from pot and look at the roots yourself.
2. check PH of soil / water
3. list fertilizers / soil nutrients used
and those pix will help