What to charge???

For ripe Bhut Jolokias and Caribbean Red Scotch Bonnet Habs?

I'm thinking $1 per bhut, 50¢ per hab. The Bhuts average about 3.5 ounces each so $5 per pound seems fair. Or does it?

Seems to me that sounds fair enough. I know with my Bhuts, they are taking a real long time ripening and they don't seem as productive as the Caribbean Habs. Just my 2 cents though.
wordwiz said:
I'm thinking $1 per bhut, 50¢ per hab. The Bhuts average about 3.5 ounces each so $5 per pound seems fair. Or does it?


I think $5/lb is sort of low. Quality fresh Bhuts just aren't widely available everywhere yet. I have't bought many peppers from the regular grocery stores around here for a long time, but almost everything I remember being around or over $5/lb. I think some get to be around like $10.
I'm sure I shouldn't type while tired. It was suppose to be .35 ounce per pepper, at least if my scales is correct. I just weighed three of them and the total was 1.3 ounces.

4:00 pm Tuesday cannot come too soon! Except, I need to start another major project on Wednesday. Being self-employed is not all it is cracked up to be.

At my local supermarket they charge $15.00 a kilo or $6.80 a pound. They are rip off bastards to begin with but these chillis they sell are ordinary to say the least. Some kind of mass produced thai hots i think that are ALWAYS old and wrinkly.

I have fun sometimes and go and chuck some goats weeds in there to liven the pot up! :P