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lighting What lights are the best - different take

Here's a way we might be able to work together and help determine how different type of lights work. I've ran this past AJ and it seems doable if you are interested.

The first and most important thing:
THIS IS NOT A CONTEST. Sorry for screaming, but this is a test to determine the efficiency of different types of light on raising seedlings and getting them large enough to transplant. We ask that all participants follow these guidelines as much as possible, though watering and pesticide use will have to be a variable.
The supplies you will need: at least 18 seed tray cells that are two inches long, one inch wide and 2.5 inches deep (OR any other size or even 18, 9-ounce Dixie cups**), Hoffman’s Seed Starting Mix, 5-15-5 fertilizer, your favorite lights. The seeds will be supplied. You will receive six seeds of six different varieties of plants (mostly peppers but a couple of others). Please sow at least three of each variety for use in the controlled experiment. If you want to sow the others in different soil, containers or use different nuits on them to conduct your own side experiment, that if great.

The experiment will run for 12 weeks after germination occurs. The idea will be to measure plant height, internode space, number of leaves, root structure, etc. The reason for basing it on the period of growing after germination is that I at least have had huge variations in seed sprouting times. I would prefer to see how the plants grow after sprouting, since the lights should not affect germination.

Please measure plants weekly, keeping a log of their growth from germination. Also, be sure to log any actions outside of the control parameters that you may need to take, such as spraying for aphids, watering schedule, etc. Obviously, if these actions can be avoided for the experiment, please do. But it won’t be much of a test if aphids or mites destroy the plants.

If you are interested, please post here but PM me your address. I'll be using two different types of LEDs - a 45 watt panel with 112 10mm bulbs and a 13 watt panel with 225 bulbs. Also, list what type of lighting you will be using.


** - I prefer the cell trays as I have limited lights at this time. I’ll have more LEDs this fall but I cannot get 18 cups under one light. I could go with one of each variety. It’s up to what the majority of testers would prefer.

*** - These rules are not set in concrete, more like muddy water now! I’m open to any suggestions some of you more experienced growers have.

I was just thinking...we have not talked about species yet and I was thinking we at least need to try chinense and annuums since the growth rate of the two species are vastly different...what do you think?...maybe a frutescens (like a tabasco) too...I am not having any luck with most of my pubescens...and I have not tried any baccatums yet...or at least I don't think I have...

AJ, I was hoping Randell would have four different types of peppers and two tomatoes. It would be odd to find one variety grows better under one type of lights than another.

I have a single 400w metal halide bulb that I'll enter. I just don't want to take care of new seedlings ATM. I can't imagine in 12 weeks any other light being any better than a MH. These plants grown under HID adjust to the outside much easier. A floro or LEDs might grow a taller plant because it is reaching for light, but a MH grown plant will be short internodal stocky green plants with a large root ball.

That's the whole idea - everyone growing the same seeds for the same amount of time and then comparing how the plants look. It's not the tallest plant (height counts) but so does number and length of leaves, lack of internode space, size and density of the root ball - the entire gamut. I like the LEDs, AJ likes the fluros (along with some CFLs), you like the MH, but there were a lot of questions seven months ago about what lights are best. This experiment will not prove which is best for the buck, but how the plants respond to different types of light.

wordwiz said:

That's the whole idea - everyone growing the same seeds for the same amount of time and then comparing how the plants look. It's not the tallest plant (height counts) but so does number and length of leaves, lack of internode space, size and density of the root ball - the entire gamut. I like the LEDs, AJ likes the fluros (along with some CFLs), you like the MH, but there were a lot of questions seven months ago about what lights are best. This experiment will not prove which is best for the buck, but how the plants respond to different types of light.


And...we are not talking about starting seeds now are we?...I can't keep the temperature down low enough to get good germination until probably October at the earliest...
I actually like a combination of seed starting tray floro lighting to south facing windowsill light then MH. HID would cook a young seedling just popping its head. It is all a balancing act. AJ I hear you about the heat, I would have way more heat issues now than in February when it really counts. I think AJ said he would have got a MH if he hasn't spent so much on his floro lighting already. Isn't LEDs just about saving energy?
October would be fine. I don't want to sow seeds for next year until probably February (I need plants to be ready by May 1) so if the test ends in January, I'll have time to adjust my plans.

BTW, I sowed 6 tomato seeds last Tuesday. Half of them are up.
