favorite What is your Favorite Pepper ?

My all time favorite is the native North American Texas bird pepper. It's easy to grow, easily dried, and taste perfect with a short burst of heat. Great on a cracker with cheese ( their size makes it easy to make a smiley face on one cracker with 'em). I'm raising Zimbabwe bird peppers this year but I'll always have the Texas as my number one favorite
For the lesser heat, I still love a yellow Fatalii, when you find one from the right source. Some have a soapy taste, some have hardly any taste, some are way hotter than you would expect. But, they do exist where they are moderately hot, have a strong taste and is citrusy tasting.
I'm having high hopes for the Aji peach sugar rush, but I'm about a week away from trying my first one. How about the Aji banana? Does it really taste like banana?
robbyjoe01 said:
My all time favorite is the native North American Texas bird pepper. It's easy to grow, easily dried, and taste perfect with a short burst of heat. Great on a cracker with cheese ( their size makes it easy to make a smiley face on one cracker with 'em). I'm raising Zimbabwe bird peppers this year but I'll always have the Texas as my number one favorite
is that the tepin pepper if so I'm growing one this year, my neighbors dad lives in Texas and sent him some wild grown pepper seeds.
Yes indeed a tepin. I can't prove it but my belief is it was not brought here by man but by birds long before man was ever here in north America. Guess I need a living Aztec to know that answer. LOL
ajdrew said:
I gotta add brown fatalii next year.  I got this addiction where if a pepper has X different colors, I gotta have X colors of that pepper.

Bumper said:
Bahamian goat pepper is right up there for me as a fresh pod that I can eat straight up.  Aji amarillo is second off the rank at the moment, but there are so many still to try for me.  I am really looking forward to Jamaican Gold this year too
It's good, but not my favorite. I find the flesh thin and kind of leathery.
Bumper said:
. Which one are you referring to mike? What is your favourite?

One of my favorites.
Bumper said:
. Which one are you referring to mike? What is your favourite?
Jamaican Gold. It's okay, but not epic.
My favorite at the moment is hard to pin down. Aji Fantasy, Aji Golden, Tepin, Hawaiian Chile, CARDI Scorpions, Brainstrains, Aji Lemon Drop...
I can tell you this: I'm going to be 86ing 7 Pot Bubblegums from my grow. I just don't see devoting that much space to a plant that produces next to nothing.
Nick I read that in 1999 the Native Seeds/Search and the United States Forest Service established a 2,500 acre Wild Chile Botanical Area in the Coronado National Forest located near Tumacacori Arizona. It's protecting a large Capsicum annuum var glabriusculum (Texas bird) population for study and as a genetic reserve. Always dreamed of getting the pure thing....
My favorite is lake valley strain Jamaican Red.
That said I am growing alot of new peppers this year so that's probably going to change soon.
As a plant form seedlings to today I have been impressed with the Bahamian Goat there loaded with pods
They remind me of freeport orange bonnets I think there descended form them & might have something fatalii or datil like as mine after removing the big umbrella leaves on a hunch went through a transformation but I digress
I think the Moa's ,Bahamian Goats & Brazilian Starfish will be some new favorites .
I will report back once I've tried them .
Ripe jalapeno is right up there as one of my favorite milder peppers for eating raw.

Yellow 7 is my favorite superhot for flavor.
While I probably wouldn't ever list them as my favorite, I honestly have to say that my #1 go to pepper so far as been Aji Omni colors. Nice taste, heat and appearance. 
Mine was Jalapenos, but with our rainy weather the last 2 years, this may have to change.  Didn't think it could get any worse than last year.  My Hungarian wax peppers had zero heat.  Cut them out entirely this year and subbed extra Hot bananas from last years seed.  Now this year the same Jalapeno seeds as last year gave me peppers that have no heat.  Last year, those were decent although not as hot as they could be.  They just had their first day of stress this year...  Arrghhh...  Now?  it is raining again...
My Serranos were supposed to be strictly for chili powder.  But I think I should try some of these green, but I have no clue when it is best to pick green serranos or what they even taste like.  A ton of them are really long and chubby.  But there are smaller new peppers of course.  Someone said he likes then smaller.  Why?
Hot Mama Bearz said:
My Serranos were supposed to be strictly for chili powder.  But I think I should try some of these green, but I have no clue when it is best to pick green serranos or what they even taste like.  A ton of them are really long and chubby.  But there are smaller new peppers of course.  Someone said he likes then smaller.  Why?
While this is off topic... To answer your question, as i faced the same issue with Serano and Jalapeño peppers.  Two ways.  One is that most peppers that are green have a lighter tinge of green when really still to early and raw tasting / dull.  In the varities i grow they go dark green before they turn red.  Any time then is fine I would say.  However for peak heat yet still no build of of the sweet ripe / red pepper flavor that comes.  I recommend to pick them just at the first sign of blush at any area of the pepper going from dark green to red.  I will get almost like a small off color spot in the dark green pepper.  You get the most heat i feel with still the green pepper flavor being predominant.    I hope this helps.  
Now as for my favorite peppers... 
Annuam - Sandia select.  Or Thai Orange
Frutscens - Tabasco or Aji Caballero ( eat the Aji right off the small tree) 
Bacatuum - haven't met one I liked yet... soapy taste to me.  i am trying new varieties this year.  Hope i find one i like
Chinense - Datil, Datil, Datil, Datil.... lol
This year I will find out which Wild i like and Pubescens I hope.