favorite What is your favorite pepper in terms of taste (doesn't need to be super hot)?

ajijoe said:
australian lantern hab
aji omni color
aji pineapple
fidalga roxa
ma wiri wiri
mako akokosrade
arabibi gusano (somewhat)
Joe, how do you prefer to eat those wild Brazils?  Just plain, raw?  In food, cooked?  Other ways?
Roguejim said:
Joe, how do you prefer to eat those wild Brazils?  Just plain, raw?  In food, cooked?  Other ways?
i like all my peppers in food, i generally don't just eat them alone
i make a sauce that incorporates lots of them into it MMMMMM!!!
wild Brazil are very versatile they come into there own sauteed in BBQ sauces and cheese dishes, i have also found there good with any meat
oh yeah great in rice dishes,chili and chicken noodle soup too
i eat them alone when im sick with a cold or flu, they usually straighten me out in a day or two good medicine!!
thanks for asking your Friend Joe
Red jalapenos, nagas, 7 pot Jonahs, yellow 7 pots, PN7J (pimenta da Neyde x 7 pot Jonah) or SB7Js. I don't have a favorite. It depends what I'm in the mood for.
Edit:I eat them raw or dry alone as a snack and also cool with them. I also make sauces out of them.
Haven't tried very many varieties, but here are what I know I like:
Low heat:
Anaheims (roasted are the best), Jalapenos (raw,cooked, stuffed,etc..), Cayennes
High heat:
Ghost Pepper (fantastic flavor), Habanero (very unique flavor)
Tried and True "Fatalii". Also the "Fresno" I grow. Not like the Fresnos at the Market (smaller, hotter, tastier). Now that could all change this year, as I have many more varieties to grow and sample, thanks to many of you here.
This week?
Inca Berry.
(Because I have a load of them ripening)
Not too hot, great flavor and sweetness at the peak of ripeness for salads and such.
Had taco salad last night and they were superb in it.
Also have some Peach Bhuts, Bolivian Rainbows, and Reapers ripe.
A Rainbow and an Inca on a sammich is wonderful, The Bhuts and Reapers really need to be cooked in something.
I don't care much for most pepper flavor, but I had an Aji Pineapple a couple of days ago and it was AWESOME!  They are now on my grow list for 2014.  :)
How can you pick only one!? My favorite superhot at the moment is the Red Brainstrain. After that is a tie between the Black Congo and 7 Pot White then the Jalabanero and Giant Mexican Rocoto then for sweet is the Corno Di Toro. I want to add more to this list.. Lol. I need a variety. They all serve a certain purpose. I haven't had a Primo yet but the Primo Powder I got from Pepperlover has a awesome flavor.
Red Jalapeno (poppers and fresh in chili),
"Fire" Serrano finely chopped onto tacos, burritos, in chili, stuffed Bell peppers, etc. (been ages since I had any.. soon to be remedied thanks to a generous member! :dance:  ),
Doe Hill (salad, fresh.. could eat like candy -very sweet, sugary, pineapple/apple/pear taste),
Hawaiian Sweet Hot - seasoning different dishes (very different with a sweet body, hot core, must be how it got it's name, nice spicey flavor)
Bells of course, Red, Green for the usual uses.
Hot Banana, red, fresh in chili, red, orange, yellow -sliced into rings and pickled with sliced onion and garlic.
CARDI Yellow Scorpion - about the best tasting scotch bonnet there is!  Super sweet, super fruity, crunchy and a nice little burn.
Aji Lemon Drop - one of my new best pals!  Lovely burn, super intense citrusy fruitiness.
Paper Lantern Hab - as above but without the citrus.
Poblano - soooooooooooo good stuffed with a mixture of chopped tomato, olives, feta cheese, anchovies, a good grind of black pepper, drizzle with olive oil and bake in oven until cheese starts melting and browns up a bit.  I have a puddle of saliva on my desk right now!