health what are these leaf spots? (or lack thereof)?

Hi all, 
I normally post in my own grow log, but I decided to ask a general question because I'm not sure what I'm looking at. I have two varieties of peppers growing, and they have never seen sun because they are growing hydroponically under LEDs in my closet. The plants looked fine until more recently when at least one or more started to develop patches of see-through leaves.
After some research my initial assessment seems closest to a maganese deficiency, but I wasn't sure if the picture I saw was accurate. The plants are still pretty small, so I might mix up some new nutrient solution to see if that helps.
Was wondering if there was anything I needed to specifically supplement peppers with. I hear peppers burn through magnesium very fast, so I have calimagic in a bottle and some epsom salt if necessary. The last time I tried it however I think I added too much salt to the tomatoes and they resented it.  I think it takes less epsom than the ratio of calimagic suggested. 
Here is the spot:
