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health What am i doing wrong? (UPDATED: Game is on!)

Ok, i hate to ask for help so often but please forgive me and take a look at my seedlings.

Obviously i am doing something wrong and i would like to know what should i do.


this is a naga morich. does not grow up so fast and the last 3 days start showing purple veins and the leaves are getting more purple every day.


this is another naga morich (couldn't get a better shot with my crappy camera). VEEEERY slow growth and almost full purple. The cotelydons are almost dead.


this is an aji cristal. at the bottom left you can see that thing is happenning again. leaf looks like burnt but is not crispy.


same seedling from another angle


anothe aji cristal seedling. same "burn" in this plant, too!


this is an aceituno seedling. what is wrong with the color? just look all this purple veins. Very slow growth, too.


this is an orange habanero. the big leaf is more yellowish than it looks in the photo.


Fatali red. FINALLY, healthy seedlings. So far so good.

I bottom water every 7 days.
I have only used ONCE some epsom salts (7 days ago).
I check the moist of the soil with a toothpick before i water.
I have a fan blowing twice a day for an hour.
The lights are about 6cm above the plants, 10,000 lumens in total (maybe a little more).
Lights are on from 06:00 to 22:00.
Temperature is 25 degrees celcius during the light circle, around 18-20 degrees celcius when lights are off.

Please advice!

Thanks in advance
what kind of lights? ferts? looks like sunburn, i have the same on a lot of my starts under flouros. the leaf edges look like they may have burnt due to soil contact.
what kind of lights? ferts? looks like sunburn, i have the same on a lot of my starts under flouros. the leaf edges look like they may have burnt due to soil contact.

i use 5 of these


i got 5 of these. No fert at all. Only once some epsom salt (about 7 days ago).

I got some chilli focus i am planning to use next time i'll water them.

What kind of soil are they in?

it's a mix i bought from a local store

here are the ingredients:

Hi there,
I would n't add any nutrients, and keep watering regularly. They need plenty of water at this stage. Keep a close eye on them, and make sure your water is clean without chlorine and chemicals. I hope we can watch them with pics to see how they do...keep us updated. The leaves are definately burnt, and the dieback indicates some type of toxic poisoning i'd say.
Not something that would contribute to the purple leaves, just something I noticed.

I bottom water every 7 days.

Full solo cups are huge for plants that size. If you are bottom watering, make sure the deep soil is dry before you bottom water again. There are no deep roots at this point to drink that water. You are risking root rot if that soil doesn't dry out.
Back the lights off. That's causing the purpling. The dried, brownish tip suggest you're burning them up. Get the lights up to 8-10 inches and watch to see if they become leggy. You're going to have to experiment until you get it figured out.

Cup size is fine. The water will wick up the soil and reach the roots and at the same time the roots will continue to grow to get to the water. Let the soil dry out before watering again. Good luck.
I don't think your problem is the lights...I had the same issue with some cheap soil I used last year. Purpling leaves can mean suntan/sunburn but purpling veins can mean nute lockout. I would buy a small bag of quality soil and try moving a few of the worst ones into it and see if they respond. Moving the lights up a little to be on the safe side won't hurt either. The burnt tips could also be attributed to lockout, but raising the lights as Patrick suggested is a good idea until you figure things out. Good luck keep us posted!
I don't think your problem is the lights...I had the same issue with some cheap soil I used last year. Purpling leaves can mean suntan/sunburn but purpling veins can mean nute lockout. I would buy a small bag of quality soil and try moving a few of the worst ones into it and see if they respond. Moving the lights up a little to be on the safe side won't hurt either. The burnt tips could also be attributed to lockout, but raising the lights as Patrick suggested is a good idea until you figure things out. Good luck keep us posted!

What is the nute lockout? Probably has to do with ph of water? Anyway i use rain water for watering.

Every day i learn something new in this forum! That's the best part of it.

What is the nute lockout? Probably has to do with ph of water? Anyway i use rain water for watering.

Every day i learn something new in this forum! That's the best part of it.

Nute lockout is tied to PH and nutes available...an imbalance can cause the plant to be unable to uptake all the nutes it needs to thrive. Purple veins/stems are an indicator, but purpling can also be a suntan/burn, or inherent to that type of plant.
What was your epsom salt mixture ? Sunburn isnt a big deal my lights are about 2" away from plants.

about 3/4 of a tablespoon in 1 liter of water

Nute lockout is tied to PH and nutes available...an imbalance can cause the plant to be unable to uptake all the nutes it needs to thrive. Purple veins/stems are an indicator, but purpling can also be a suntan/burn, or inherent to that type of plant.

thanks again! so what should someone do in a situation like this? just replant into new soil/pot?
thanks again! so what should someone do in a situation like this? just replant into new soil/pot?
I would buy better soil and repot...raise the lights a little...watch overwatering...and wait.

...or you could also try testing the PH in your current soil and adding some sulfur to lower it if necessary and see if that helps.
Question. How old are these plants? Sometimes when you start a seed out in a bigger cup like that, the plant will concentrate on growing roots instead of topside foliage. If you used cheap soil, the soil will only have enough nutrients to sustain the plant (healthily) for a few weeks. The symptoms you are having could be due to lack of nutrients.

[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]Phosphorus (P) Red or purplish color (anthocyanin pigment) in leaves, especially undersides. Lower stems purplish, stunting and delayed maturity, loss of lower leaves and no flowering.[/background]

[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]Magnesium (Mg): Mottled yellowing between veins of older leaves while veins remain green. yellow areas may turn brown and die. Leaves may turn reddish purple due to low P metabolism. [/background]

[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]I don't think that CFL's will burn your seedlings (those type of bulbs you're using are the same kind that I use and I've never had an issue.) It seems like you are doing everything right and if you are doing everything right, then I would look to the soil like stc3248 said. I don't know if you necessarily need to re-pot them at this point but giving them a 1/2 dilution of nutrients is a start. You could also make a 1/2 concentration mix in a spray bottle and foliar feed them (spray them at night when the lights are out) Make sure to get the bottom side of the leaves as well, there are more stomas on the bottom and they open up when it's dark. (stomas are the plants pores, they allow for uptake of nutrients as well as the rapid release and uptake of Carbon Dioxide, Oxygen and water vapors)[/background]

[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]Good luck, let us know how it goes.[/background]
Question. How old are these plants? Sometimes when you start a seed out in a bigger cup like that, the plant will concentrate on growing roots instead of topside foliage. If you used cheap soil, the soil will only have enough nutrients to sustain the plant (healthily) for a few weeks. The symptoms you are having could be due to lack of nutrients.

[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]Phosphorus (P) Red or purplish color (anthocyanin pigment) in leaves, especially undersides. Lower stems purplish, stunting and delayed maturity, loss of lower leaves and no flowering.[/background]

[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]Magnesium (Mg): Mottled yellowing between veins of older leaves while veins remain green. yellow areas may turn brown and die. Leaves may turn reddish purple due to low P metabolism. [/background]

[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]I don't think that CFL's will burn your seedlings (those type of bulbs you're using are the same kind that I use and I've never had an issue.) It seems like you are doing everything right and if you are doing everything right, then I would look to the soil like stc3248 said. I don't know if you necessarily need to re-pot them at this point but giving them a 1/2 dilution of nutrients is a start. You could also make a 1/2 concentration mix in a spray bottle and foliar feed them (spray them at night when the lights are out) Make sure to get the bottom side of the leaves as well, there are more stomas on the bottom and they open up when it's dark. (stomas are the plants pores, they allow for uptake of nutrients as well as the rapid release and uptake of Carbon Dioxide, Oxygen and water vapors)[/background]

[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]Good luck, let us know how it goes.[/background]

plants are probably a month old (sprouted the first days of January). I'll try some chilli focus 1/2 dose and foliar spray them right away as you advice (right now it's past after midnight here so lights are off).

After reading your post, i think it looks like Phosphorus problem (all the symptoms are present, purplish leaves, loss of lower leaves, very slow growth etc).

Thanks again all of you for your advices and help. I'll post some updates in a few days.
Allot of my seedlings look similar with the suntan look.. They are roughly a month old but have 3-4 sets of true leaves. Luckily no purple veins, but stems are purplish. They have been under T5 6500 bulbs.
+1 to 3/5...but with nute lockout, all nutes could be present and the plant just can't take them up due to a PH problem. The foliar feed should help regardless of your soil so that is a great idea. Good luck and keep us posted!
I think the OP would benefit from Beer (if of age)
Looks like classic "over loving" to me.

Not to worry, we all do it when we get excited.
why epsom salt? no other nute except mg? an overdose of nutes (magnesium) can also show up like a deficiency of other nutrients.

like Cayenne said, don't love em too much. get a balanced soil medium and let them grow.