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Well that wasn't what I expected

currently in my jiffy, I sowed 7 pot, Choc Bhut, Fatali, NuMex Big Jim, Mayan Love, and Aji Lemon Drops all at the same time. I now have a couple of fatali sprouts which made me think that the annuums must be about to break surface any day, but the 2nd to pop up was one of the choc bhuts lol. I felt shocked as everything I've read says jolokias can be a pain to germinate and can take up to a month yet so far my C.chineses are taking the lead. I'm hoping this doesn't translate to something, like the bhut seeds weren't actually bhuts, or I accidently cooked my other seeds, or anything like that. Yet again I play the waiting game.
thats all its about waiting, waiting and more waiting....

seeds are weird, you can have a easy seed to germinate and it could take a while. it all depends on the conditions and the viability of the seed.
I think the idea that bhuts take a long time to germinate is extremely exaggerated. They can take a long time, but if you have the right conditions it's more likely going to be closer to ~7-10 days than 3-4+ weeks imo. I had a lot of bhut jolokia hooks at 6 days. For me annums don't generally pop any faster than chinenses, both are about the same. The only varieties that took really took a long time for me were the chocolate varieties and yellow 7 pod.
I love it. Its like a crap shoot ya never know whats coming up first. So many factors play a role in what is so simple as a birth. And when that first seed comes up for the year :woohoo:
Kinda makes it more exciting not knowing what'll be next to show up. What's weird is with my cayenne I first noticed 2 sprouts, the next day I counted 5, following day went up to like 10, then 12, etc. etc. each day there were more and more. I feel like I've just had my two fatali and one bhut sprout for awhile now with no signs of anything else breaking the surface.
Kinda makes it more exciting not knowing what'll be next to show up. What's weird is with my cayenne I first noticed 2 sprouts, the next day I counted 5, following day went up to like 10, then 12, etc. etc. each day there were more and more. I feel like I've just had my two fatali and one bhut sprout for awhile now with no signs of anything else breaking the surface.

Join the club ... its a waiting game of the worst/best variety ...
Like some other member here said once upon a time, if we showed the planning and patience in everything else as we do with chile seeds, our wives would expect us to be much more organized . . . I think it is true. I started my 2012 grow list today. And I usually never plan out to next weekend, but all the important chile dates are on my electronic calendar. But the waiting is hard. Chiles have taught me patience.
Like some other member here said once upon a time, if we showed the planning and patience in everything else as we do with chile seeds, our wives would expect us to be much more organized . . . I think it is true. I started my 2012 grow list today. And I usually never plan out to next weekend, but all the important chile dates are on my electronic calendar. But the waiting is hard. Chiles have taught me patience.

i started planning as well :onfire: im gonna have alot more space next year = more variety and more plants
I tried starting bhuts in January with a cheap light as my heat source. Took a month to germinate 2 of 8 seeds. About two ago i put 4 seeds in a container and set them on my porch. 3 days later 3 of the 4 sprouted ! Same seeds just better conditions. All from NMSU.