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Watch out for darwincomedy on ebay buying butch-t seeds

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I would guess your a member here, buddy:

I have had the worst experience dealing with darwincomedy on ebay. I bought some butch-t seeds on June 26th, and I still have not got what I ordered.

Just figured I would let off some steam here I'm sure any of you guys that have bought seeds on ebay have seen his auctions.

He went away for work, and he wife supposedly packed my seeds. When they got to me 3/4 of a month later from Australia 50% were smashed into powder, and they were in a non-padded envelope. Then once I said I received
them he told me to back off on my claim on him, that I got my product and he's mailing more, so to drop my claim.

sorry darwincomedy but when the new seeds are in my hands what I paid for, enjoy your negative feedback.

Its idiots like this that give ebay sellers of seeds a bad name.
Have we learned anything? Don't buy seeds on Evil Bay!

I have had the worst experience dealing with darwincomedy on ebay. I bought some butch-t seeds on June 26th, and I still have not got what I ordered.

Its idiots like this that give ebay sellers of seeds a bad name.
This bloke is actually a lawyer turned seed seller. Neil didn't really "endorse" him rather he just said he could care less if he wanted to sell the Butch T strain AFAIK.
guess what
he is not getting any of my hard earned money!!
it a sad shame really when you think about, the fact that your reputation is all you really can call your own in this life, and if you dont care about it than eventually you will destroy yourself on many levels , i know this sound like i may be overstating things some but no no really

does this guy think because he is a man of status(a lawyer) that he is immune?? i hope he starts taking better care of his customer, either that or he shouldn't quit his day job
oh and as for the "COMEDY" part i dont see anyone laughing!!
just my two cents

thanks Joe
I know not to trust most sellers on ebay... I myself was selling dorset naga that I got from a reputable company, and was selling off extras... but

I mailed mine in custom 4x6 padded envelopes (that mail with 1 stamp) LOL just barely, postmaster laughed and said.. "First time ever I have told a customer
they can mail a bubble envelope with a single stamp"

But I was only charging .99 shipping and that buys the envelope and the stamp, not like this guys $5 AUD, postage when the postage says $2.50AUD on it.

o well.. I got some seeds and some on the way.. lets hope they germinate.
I started to germinate the 7 or so that I got, I'm looking at a hydroponic inside system that I will run over the winter.

quite the quick project with the big... possibility of huge plants.
i know i posted this in the chat forum, but here is my long ebay story: i order seeds from a "master gardener". chinese 5 color ornamentals. they come nicely wrapped 24 seeds. i buy it all from the local nursery. potting soil, heat pad, little germination station. 6 weeks later BOOM. nothing, not a single seed germinated. a few forum members took pity on me and sent me a few seeds. same procedure and BOOM less than 2 weeks i got sprouts everywhere. i emailed the ebay master and pointed out her claim of 95% germination. yes. yes, i know as soon as i saw 95 % germination i should have ran, but im a rookie so i figure must me da real mccoy. she told me that i must have done something wrong , but to her credit she resent new seeds. they too are not germinating but at least she stood by her nonviable deadbeat seeds. i learned my lesson. this is how i found this site. i was constantly searching for germination on chinese 5 color and ran across a post from ajijoe. i sent him a email, he offered up some seeds to a chilihead in distress. i declined the offer thinking that they would germinate. but the next week i joined this site. nice guys like ajijoe are what makes this forum my new best retirement friend. thank you my 2 cents on ebay
I sold a few spare seeds myself.. with the right seller seeds are good.. but someone who doesn't care and just wants cash then that's the problem.
I learned my lesson on evilbay. I bought an amp and it was supposed to be stock. No. I had to dump another $300 into it to make it playable. Seeds? I would never consider. I would go direct to forum members.
JesterJoker did buy 15+ seeds off of me on ebay. He claimed his seeds did not turn up. We resnt 2 additional packets of 15 seeds, at no extra charge. We then refunded his money. We did approach The Rev Neil Smith prior to selling seeds online, and the Rev gave us his blessing.


Revise following advice from Smokemaster. lol.
Oh yeah. About the pic I used on ebay. I did not know where it came from. It just was a very cool pic I found on google images. I actually enev used it as my tiled desktop background pic (it loos cool. You should try it). If I had of known where it came from, I would have approached them and asked... Just like I did with Neil. I have loads of my own pics, so I have no changed it.

Kind Regards,

Craig Zee
Must be a great lawyer,can't even spell...

Maybe your secretary prints out and spell checks you legal pappers.

Ah,would that be a self taught,jailhouse lawyer by any chance?

Your post reads like a schoolyard argument between children.

I'd think that if you had to post anything you should have just posted about replacing the seeds and left the mud slinging out.Being a Lawyer and all.

Being a Lawyer,as you claim,aren't you walking the line claiming Fraud and attacking someones character on the net?

You come off like a kid making up crap to try and impress people on the net.

I wouldn't have anything to do with either of you.

Now get back to your big lawsuit against the guys Kangaroo for eating up his Butch T plant...
Hey Graig, thanks for taking the time to write that. :cheers:

Like you said my statement was "my two cents worth", that's all you should take it as.
Now we wanta know who was in bed with ya...Your spell checking secratary...Whooo Hoooo!
The way you Aussies talk "a Lie down" could mean all kinds of things.

Without pics it isn't true. :)
If it makes you feel better just keep mud slinging, and drinking your tea.

I was just a pissed off customer, and wanted what I paid for. I didn't force a refund. To this day I have seen 1 package/envelope from you, I never claimed never receiving a package
from you to be clear.
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