• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Walchit 2022

I wasn't going to do a garden this year, because I'm trying to get this Yukon back on the road, but I couldn't resist, lol.
I have 4 bhuts and 4 jalapeños I picked up. Also some tomatoes and yellow squash, and a raised bed that I poked a bunch of bean seeds into. Want to get a couple pumpkins and some corn going too.


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Thanks fellas, 75mph winds in the forecast for tonight, at least they are still short, lol.
I planted some butternut squash, cantaloupe, yellow flesh watermelon, and some pumpkins on this mound of dirt today. I left some pumpkins and stuff there last year, and they have started sprouting, so I figured it was as good of a place as any.
Planted four cherry tomatoes requested by the neighbor, here is a pic of the pink girl and lemon boy. And I have a total of 5 of these "delicious" tomatoes, one pot has 4 Guatemalan Insanity Garlics that I poked in there when I was digging them up last year. 😋


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My mom was asking about my unused pots, so I rounded up 8 and topped them off with some potting soil and well decomposed wood chips. Ended up with 7 leftover, so I used the last of my soil to top them off. Then you know I had to plant something lol. A couple had ant colonies in them and I spent a little while trying to get them to go to war, but I'm pretty sure they just joined forces.
I forgot to get pics, and I really don't remember exactly what I grabbed.
Some yellow bell pepper
Bianca sweet pepper I think it was called
A poblano
And an eggplant, okra and a giant pumpkin.
I really had to refrain from buying one of there purple or chocolate bhuts.
I will grab some pics tomorrow.


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Hey Andy ..... good to see you back on. Still growing those orange snackers you gave me. We've been out of town .... interested to see what that rain has done at our place.
Hey Andy ..... good to see you back on. Still growing those orange snackers you gave me. We've been out of town .... interested to see what that rain has done at our place.
You still have some Guatemalan Insanity Garlic going? I thought I ruined mine last year, the plants went all the way brown on me and I had to dig the beds up to find it. Was worried it wouldn't sprout this year but it seems like it's doing pretty good.

I was actually gonna hit you up for plants when I decided to do a garden, but I just grabbed some nursery/box store plants.
Everything but the okra is doing really good, idk why but all the leaves fell off of it but one tiny one, and now it has 2 again, so I'm hopeful. Oh and a couple of the ghost peppers are having some bacterial problems, I should have just bought the nicer ants from the nursery.
Got a few buckets of Pepper Guru style fetid dank stanks going. Just fed everything some compost tea today, it's been raining so much I haven't had a chance to feed them at all.


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Your garden space is filling up, my friend!
Clouds and rain here in PNW as well.
Transplanted in some corn to full the spots where the squirrels duh them up, and put some down what was gonna be my path... lol
They just gotta get "knee high by the 4th of july" right?

It quit raining here, so I guess this must be 99% humidity that I'm feeling. I was soaked instantly putting up some boards on the raised beds for a trellis.


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I'm wondering what kind of weird ears I'm gonna get, because I planted a few glass gem corn in there with them, and didn't really think about the seeds being the part that you eat, so a cross might not be that great, idk.