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contest VOTE! Tortilla Throwdown

Who celebrated the tortilla best?

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:woohoo: GO P.K.!

Not that the other are less deserving, but PK's blingless. :lol:
So I’m at work and haven’t been able to log on for a while, and now I see that TB, Sum and I are all tied. :woohoo:

FD4 love your post, you had me :rofl: with “And Peak used REAL LARD!!! From an ANIMAL!!!!” Thanks man.

MG, thanks for the vote, I was definitely drunk, but who wasn’t it was Cinco de Mayo.

LB thanks for the vote, would you like this recipe also? ;) well at least the cake, the other one was loosely inspired by beef wellington.

And I have my very own cheerleader, yahooooo :dance: Thanks SL, you know they don’t get paid that much, right? Not that I can afford to pay you.

This is a lot of fun, good luck to all and may the best chef/cook/etc win.
So is LB...... and 3/5..... and MG.... and...... what's your point? :P

LB, 3/5, and MG aren't tied with TB and SB. PK is and PK's blingless.

If LB, 3/5 or MG were in the same position, I'd probably be rooting for them. And I did vote for PK strictly based on all the TD entries (no prelim smack talk or prep pics) :cool: so I gotta keep running with the underdog~~~ :woot:!


:looksinatticfordusty8thgradepompoms: :woohoo:
This will be fun to watch today.
Lots of jockeying for position, shucking and jiving.

Stay strong Peak, Sums a master, but you're right there in the hunt!
LOL, I’m gonna miss it all, I’ll be sleeping, still have another 1.5 hours of work. I might be able to stop by for a few before work, or it’ll have to wait till after I get thru the usual BS at the beginning of work.
work-schmurk....THIS is IMPORTANT!!!! :lol:
dang i really wanted to enter this 1. ooh well!

wooootttt!!!! it started to rain! im so happy i hope you all win :rofl:

Last time I checked, about 12 hours ago before leaving work, it was 9-9-9, this is fun getting a chuckle out of it

Progress but still a 3 way.
Go, Go, Go.....

HOLDS IT!!! I dont hear no Smackin going on here amoung them three, So...
The question is who wants it most?

Just Sayin...

True Story
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